S3 041 If You Have a Crush, Why be Fierce (21+)

Alvin plans to make the empty room in his apartment as a bedroom for his children after they are born, but Alvin has not yet started decorating the room into a room for his children. And today, Sriwedari is planning to turn the empty space into a baby's room.

Everything that is needed is already Sriwedari ordered, such as neutral motif wallpaper and others.

The baby bed that was ordered was ready, along with the baby's wardrobe, only Alvin and Mr. Asep were to assemble.

One maid is in charge of taking care of the baby's clothes, which are separated for later washing.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, all the goods ordered have been delivered to the apartment. And all started busy arranging the baby's room. While Prima and Audia just sat watching.