S3 046 Irritated with Alvin

Early morning Audia woke up, and found the bed next to her empty. This reminded Audia of the debate between Audia and Alvin last night.

Audia's stomach is protruding in several places, alternating. The kids seemed to have woken up in there. Audia stroked the protruding surface, and felt a kick there. Audia then got up from her bed to take wudu.

Before praying, Audia unlocked their room and opened it a little–peeking. No matter how upset Audia is with her husband, she still has to give him a chance to worship, right? Thus, Audia deliberately opened the door to their room, at least notifying Alvin, if the room was no longer locked.

Five minutes Audia waited for her husband to enter the room, but never came. Makes Audia think, maybe Alvin hasn't woken up yet? Or don't know if the door to his room is no longer locked.

Finally, Audia came out of their room, to wake up Alvin. Audia checked the lounge sofa.
