S3 052 Arriving at Parents-In-Law's House

Audia arrived at her mother-in-law's house with joy. Press the bell and wait for the door to open. One of the maids who opened the door for Audia. Then Audia asked if her mother-in-law was at home.

The housekeeper says Sriwedari is in the family room. Audia then went straight to the family room, not forgetting to say thank you.

Audia faintly seemed to hear Alvin's voice from the living room, even though the distance was still a few steps away.

Could it be that Alvin isn't working today, and has business at her in-laws' house? Did something happen at her father-in-law's house, that Alvin came here during working hours?

Suddenly Audia remembered her father-in-law's heart disease. Is it relapse again?

Audia quickened her pace as fast as she could, considering that she was already nine months pregnant.

Audia arrived at her father-in-law's living room to coincide with Alvin saying something, which made Audia curious.