S3 054 Granting Prima's Last Request

"Alvin, promise daddy what?" Audia looked straight at Alvin's face who was focused on driving. Demanding answers.

"What is Alvin's promise, with daddy, has anything to do with Merry and Celine?" Audia's voice, slightly raised.

Alvin decided to pull over the vehicle. Answering Audia's questions, even if Alvin have to discuss that on the road, is not wise when Alvin is driving.

Alvin will lose focus and concentration. And that would harm the four of them.

Audia was still staring intently at Alvin, when the vehicle stopped on the side of the road.


Alvin fiddled with his fingers on the steering wheel. He took a deep breath, before finally saying, "We'll talk about this at home, shall we." Hope, Audia will obey.

However, no. Audia wanted an answer, immediately, because of that Audia said, "From the beginning Didi came, Alvin, mom and dad, all were acting suspiciously. Merry was there too."