S3 063 Didi Wants Boba?

Alvin began to count in his heart, if the contractions are longer with short pauses, Alvin must immediately take Audia to the hospital.

"Still hurt, Honey?" Alvin still continued to gently massage Audia's waist from behind her back. Audia nodded in response, unable to respond with words.

"Alvin ... Didi is sore, but still sick." Audia whined.

Alvin helped Audia to sit up. "Hug Alvin's neck, Didi sits as comfortable as Didi." Alvin guides his wife to find a comfortable position, while continuing to give a gentle massage on the back of the waist.

Audia complied, following Alvin's instructions. Hugging her husband's neck and resting her head on Alvin's chest. While continuing to inhale and exhale rapidly.

"Alvin—the contractions, why aren't they going away, aren't they?!" Audia began to feel unbearable. The pain that radiated below the stomach, radiating to her waist, was getting more and more intense. Audia began to have difficulty breathing.