S3 065 Still Waiting for Doctor Eva

"Why are you smiling to yourself?" asked Audia after taking a shower and changing clothes.

"No. It's okay." Alvin helped Audia to sit on her bed.

"Didi want to order food from outside?"

Audia saw that food from the hospital had been prepared for patients, while for Alvin, her husband had to order his own food.

"No, it's okay, this is it. Alvin also eats together, there's a lot of this." Audia noticed that there were at least three side dishes for her afternoon meal—capcay, mackerel fried in soy sauce, and bacem tofu and tempeh, and a bowl of chocolate pudding for dessert.

Even though they had just finished their pancakes and boba a few moments ago. Audia still felt her stomach was full.

"Want Alvin to feed Didi?" Audia immediately nodded excitedly. Take a comfortable position to sit facing Alvin. Audia's feet stepped on the stairs to climb onto the hospital bed. Opened her mouth in a spoiled manner.