S3 068 Big Baby (21+)

Alvin arrived at his father-in-law's house. Immediately greeted by Audia, who previously was busy watching a cooking show.

"Alvin brought work clothes?" asked Audia, when they were in Audia's room.

Audia opened the bag that Alvin brought to take her books, and saw that Alvin's work clothes were inside. Immediately took out her husband's clothes, and hung them on the closet door–had to be re-ironed.

"Alvin is staying with Didi. Didi needs to be accompanied before the birth." Alvin said firmly, leaning against the wardrobe. Watching Audia who was taking out Alvin's other clothes from the bag.

"But, there's daddy and Romi," Audia avoided. She doesn't want her husband to stay at his parents' house.

"Alvin is Didi's husband. Alvin must be responsible. There is no bargaining. Didi must obey." Hearing Alvin's words, Audia raised her mouth–pouting, while putting Alvin's clothes in the closet.