S3 072 One That Can Save Our Marriage (18+)

Lionel Turner, Alvin's assistant in England, emailed 'Proof of purchasing some kind of aphro–whatever' which made Audia suspect that her husband was hiding something.

"What evidence of medicine, anyway?" Audia asked again.

"Alvin if he's sick, tell Didi, please. Don't hide anything from Didi. Didi wants to give birth, you know." Audia noticed Alvin who was putting his laptop in his bag.

"Nobody's sick, Honey. Come on, let's go home." Alvin helped Audia up and took her out of the lecturer's room.

"Didi doesn't want Alvin to stay with mommy, if Alvin doesn't want to talk, what's really going on?" said Audia. She stopped walking towards the parking lot.

Alvin put his arm around Audia's waist. His wife is even more stubborn if Alvin does not comply with her wishes.

"Alvin will explain in the car, okay. Now we go home." Audia looked up at Alvin suspiciously.