S3 077 Do You Love My Husband?

"Of course it's my business, Miss Merry. Celine, your child with Alvan, is my husband's niece. That means Celine is my niece too." Audia did not give up, would continue to force Merry to speak while looking at her again.

"Tell me. Do you love my husband?" asked Audia.

Audia did not know where she got the courage to ask Merry such a question.

Merry's body seemed to stiffen, Audia could see the slightest movement from Merry, although the woman still looked away.

"Do you really love my husband, or is it because Alvin is so similar to Alvan?" lure Audia back. Audia could see, Merry's hands suddenly clenched into fists.

The woman, clearly listening to everything Audia had to say, was just too proud to respond.

Audia tried another way. By telling about herself and Alvin. How they met first, by skipping the story about Alvan.