S3 087 Go Back to Depok

"When?" Celine asked looking at Alvin.

Alvin looked at Audia and Celine alternately, implying asking Audia for help to answer it.

"After Aunt Audia and Uncle Alvin were discharged from the hospital, okay." Audia promises with a smile.

"Are Aunt Audia and Uncle Alvin sick? How come they're in the hospital?" Celine asked again which made Audia laugh.

"Because Aunt Audia has just given birth, Honey. Those are the babies, Celine's seen." Audia pointed at Ning and Sriwedari who were still holding Ardi and Ardan.

"Oh. Giving birth to that, having a baby?" Audia nodded in response to Celine's question.

Merry looked at her child's interaction with Audia with a happy feeling. Here, Merry can feel the warmth of a family. Even though Merry started it the wrong way, it seems like the Hutomo family had forgiven her, because they didn't kick Merry out of the room, and even welcomed her well.