S3 089 Romi's Wedding

Alvin and Audia woke up at three in the morning. From the baby monitor, they heard the sound of crying. They both then went to their children's room.

Ardi who woke up. Audia then checked the situation. It turned out that Ardi defecated. Audia immediately cleaned the baby, and changed the diaper, then nursed him in her son's room, accompanied by Alvin.

Alvin massaged Audia's back to feel relaxed. For almost an hour, Audia breastfed Ardi, then the baby released his mother's nipple.

"Ardi turns out to be a lot, yes, breastfeeding." Alvin's comments. He rubbed Ardi's forehead and kissed him lovingly.

"Yes, breastfeeding is very strong," answered Audia. She kissed Ardi's forehead.

Audia then put Ardi back into the crib. And check on Ardan's condition. Make sure he doesn't defecate. Usually, the twins, Ardi and Ardan, always defecate almost at the same time.