S3 091 First Kiss?

After the event was over, everyone returned to the hotel where the Audia family was staying. Except for Romi, the newlyweds, of course, came with Yuli, his wife.

In their respective rooms they immediately rested. The day was quite tiring even though they also felt happy. Especially Supomo and Ning, finally their eldest son got married.

Audia has changed into a top that makes it easy for both of her to breastfeed. Alvin helps Audia to prepare Ardi and Ardan so they can breastfeed together. While in the building, the two twins only drank the breast milk that Audia prepared in sterile bottles. Which of course tastes different from breastfeeding directly.

The two twins suckled very strongly and for quite a long time. For almost an hour, Audia breastfed her babies. Alvin occasionally helps relieve with a gentle massage on her waist and back.

"Our kids seem really hungry, don't they?" Alvin asked while watching his two children take turns.