S3 093 Young Mommy is Not a Young Wife

Audia and Alvin chose to wear the t-shirts they had bought at Bastian's Shop. T-shirts with unique puns.

Alvin wears a black t-shirt with the words, 'The Best Husband Loves His Children and Wife', and Audia wears a white t-shirt with the words, 'Young Mommy is Not a Young Wife'.

Waiting for Ardi and Ardan to wake up, Audia and Alvin took advantage of the moment to take photos of their child. Alvin took the photo of course. Then ask Audia to be stylish with her unique t-shirt. Both of them laughed at Alvin's shot.

"Alvin doesn't miss being a photographer again like he used to?" asked Audia, while panning and zooming the photos shot Alvin a moment ago.

"Alvin miss of course, really. But, it can't be helped, Alvin's company can't be completely separated at this time," Alvin answered seriously.