Chapter 28: Training (1)

"Have you engraved any spells?" Magnus asked while opening the book.

They are pre-coded commands of sort engraved on mana cores by mental energy. Only a limited number of spells could be engraved.

Simple example of what it allows- A fire sorcerer can manually create a fireball by pouring out mana- condensing it- it lights up in to fire- shaping it- shooting it.

If he engraves a spell of the same commands, all he'll need to do is to activate the spell- a magic circle is conjured where the user aims- a fireball would instantly spew out of it

Conditions - setting limits can allow spells to strengthen but also give variations in the spells.

Nier thought about spells but replied


"I see. That's actually a good choice. People often engrave spells when they are young and inexperienced only to regret it when they learn of the things they could have done. Spells are limited and cannot be removed or changed. So it is always advised to gain experience before engraving them. It is always advised for the individual to think of their own spells and style to combat- but, I can suggest a few things that I do believe are important"

Nier attentively listened.

"That is-...Have you heard everything I said before? That would kindoff make it pointless but I did get coaching from a Grand mage."


"...Anyways. What I was saying that- there are people that don't use many spells but only few- sometimes even one and hone their use to maximum. And there are some who have many spells as a way to cover all ends. It's not really a decision as much as it is a matter of comfort which can change anytime. But three things- three important spells that I recommend to have is- A defense spell. In time where a single second can decide life or death. A defense spell is almost a necessity. At least for those techniques can't do it"

"A movemen-...Your element!...actually- creating a movement spell is unnecessary for you. You mana works like pure mana in a way. You'll need to focus on close combat and it doesn't really give you any outside boost to speed."


"Well. I could have phrase it better but what I mean is that unlike other element say- wind for example. Some one can create a spell that creates burst of wind from there legs boosting their speed. 'Pure mana element' or in other words 'the lack of element' element only boosts your own physical strength instead of creating some element to push you. I know that the wind mana explanation had holes but I can assure you what I say is true. So it is really unnecessary in my opinion to create a spell for that"

'What about a spell that physically enhances your leg for moments with compact mana. Though I suppose if one gets good enough in mana manipulation. They can do it' Nier thought for a moment and agreed. Besides- once his body recovered. He'll have the perfect body and he'll be able to do crazy physical things without the need of spells anyway.

"A shield shaped in the form of a ball is what I'd suggest to be the best. Since it doesn't allow any opening. Furthermore- it can be a changeable shield. If you just create a ball around you. You'll be trapped in your own attack. And if you create the condition- 'I can get out of the ball but nothing can come inside'. That would weaken the spell since you get a benefit in exchange for something. And the way magic works. Results in your spell getting weaker. It's instead better to create a spell that allows you to change it shape. But not like going from squares to balls to cones but from convex mirrors to semi balls to full balls. That way the restriction would be lesser" Magnus said turning to Nier. His face completely calm.

"It's still a benefitting condition right? Making a barrier that's able to change. So it should still get weakened then when just creating a simple round barrier"

"That's true. But you have to think about the expenditure of mana as well. Always creating a round barrier will result in greater cost of mana then a smaller convex shield. You have to think about everything. Mana management is an important thing in battle especially if you are someone without a high mana pool. And spells are limited so you have to try and get the important things in one spell. One must adapt to the situation around them and spells should help in that. Besides. Magic always follows this rule of exchange. In a way. We all exchange mana for the magic. It's just that when we consider things other than just mana. Magic tries a way to equalize that as well." Magnus calmly said while still reading the book.

"I'll think about it" Nier said with an indifferent tone.

"Good. Anyways that was my advice...Now I believe that we should spar to and see your weaknesses and improve on them. I wasn't able to fully witness the match between you and Jan so we'll do it this way. Besides- it's more easier fighting and explaining than watching a fight and explaining"

They both entered the combat room as Qui asked-

"I see guys you want to fight- which battlefield?"

"Just add stone pillars all around" Magnus said.

Mr. Ark nodded and put his hands on the ground as multiple pillars rose up all over the field.

"That's enough. Thank you very much...would it be okay if you leave?" Magnus asked with a smile.

The four men nodded and exited the room.

Magnus walked to the other side of the room and turned around when-


He brought his left hand up instantly- blocking a fist


"Ho. Attacking me from behind after hiding your presence. Aren't you so vicious." Magnus said with a smile as Nier

"Does it matter? It didn't work anyways" Nier replied indifferently

"Heh? Does it?" Magnus' smile widened as he clenched his right fist and punched-

Nier saw the move incoming and crouched down to avoid it as-


The punch left a shockwave in air.

Nier's eyes widened a bit but he used the crouching momentum to sweep kick

Magnus didn't move as Nier's leg hit Magnus' leg.


Magnus didn't move an inch.

'Even though I am using anti mana- he is using enough and a much more refined mana to overcome the effect. Not only that- at this point. His base physical prowess is higher than mine'

Nier evaluated

Nier's anti-mana worked in a way that gave more advantage then simple canceling.

Using a numerical analogy- if Nier punched with 10 (amount) anti-mana. Only when his opponents used 50-100 mana can they cancel out- even then the one with anti mana would probably come on top. But this only applies when the anti-mana and mana are of equal qualities and the elements and skill of the sorcerers are same. Sorcerers can improve their mana quality after a lot of training and other methods. Anti-mana worked in the same way. Nier could improve the quality of his anti-mana but as of now. The quality of his anti-mana wasn't comparable to Magnus' mana quality.

Off course- when equal amounts of equally refined anti-mana met equal amounts of equally refined mana- Mana gets completely destroyed with more then 50 percent anti mana left.

That wasn't all- the reason it was named Anti-magic by Nier was simply because how it worked to destroy mana when they clashed. It's effects on other things wasn't too much above what mana itself could accomplish. A punch filled with anti-mana might not destroy a building that a punch filled with mana could. But when both the punches met. Anti-mana came on top.

Nier in truth was completely unaware of the mechanics of his power and the secrets behind it- where it came from. And he was aware of that unawareness, it was something he wished to know before he died but he felt he'll never know it till death. Maybe even the afterlife might not help.

Nier immediately backflipped away right in front of a pillar as he took stance.


'So fast!' Nier saw a fist right up his face.

Tilting a little to the right- he dodged the attack.


The pillar behind was hit by the punch and destroyed instantly

All while Nier tried hitting Magnus in the chest with his right hand elbow.

Magnus brought his right hand back swiftly and blocked the elbot with his left hand-


Nier hacked towards Magnus with his left hand but it wasn't to hit him with his hands. 3 small stone pieces covered in a blue aura rapidly closed in to Magnus' face who only smiled as the stones stopped right in their tracks-

Nier kicked up at Magnus' stomach but Magnus blocked the kick with his right hand palm.

Nier used the momentum of the parry to spin and jump back atop the pillar or qt least what was left of it.

'His isn't counter-attacking much' Nier thought as he silently stood.

In truth, he had no plans. The reason was that a simple raw battle where he went all out- spewing anti-magic with all his strength in a hand to hand combat was something he'd definitely lose. He had no true element but only the anti magic part of it. Magnus wasn't using his element as well- Metal. Not only that- His magic technique as well.

Infact- Nier did not know of the tricks and abilities Magnus had up his sleeve in the realm of power he stood at it.

"Let's see- It seems that you aren't someone who is comfortable in fighting close quarters but it also seems lime the place you excel at"

"Hmm? What?"

"You said you had the power to destroy mana right? Then why do you try to 'counterattack' when your ability literally helps you in 'attack'" Magnus said calmly with a smile.

Nier squinted hearing Magnus' words