Chapter 50 The Beginning

  "What should I do with these three young ladies? I’m like a sex maniac, enjoying each of their bodies at the same time! I'm not like that, this damn ritual is agonizing! Sometimes I wish I had woken up in a state where I had already transformed into a normal human. I'm tired!”

  Gerardo sagged on his bed. When he simply moved his position, his heart burned even more, and he felt as if a part of his body was slowly eroding away. Fortunately, Gerardo had requested that Laura bring the apartment key, so when they arrived, Gerardo didn't have to go to the door to open it.

  The hundred-year-old man felt his trunk slowly rise from beneath his pants. It hurt so much to be overgrown by a large rooted stem that was pressing to get out. Gerardo supported the rod by holding it, but even a light touch of the rod caused excruciating pain.