A white light appeared directly in front of Gerardo, causing Roger to bounce and fall. The sound of his body shook the ground, and Livanna fell to the ground as a result.?
"Hello, Raphulus... Perhaps you'll be the one to die today!"
The white light appeared to surround Rapholus immediately after the light's sound went silent. Seven large figures appeared in long white robes, as if they were gods in heaven. Each of them then raised their hands to Rapholus, who had been screaming in agony the entire time.
Rapholus' body was sucked into the great light created by the seven people, which was surrounded by a fiery red light. Roger screamed as well, and it was obvious that the terrible big body flew and was now right next to Rapholus, who was still trying to keep himself from being sucked in.
Rapholus screamed angrily, "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!"