Chapter 2

  Eighteen years later.

  Herald sits on his porch facing the training grounds behind his house where the wolves are training. All the first transformations or Lycanthrope in their language happens here on this holy ground on full moon nights. For the mortals, werewolves are merely ‘a folklore’; but the truth is over decades as the number of clans perished, werewolves also practised controlled and wishful shapeshifting in order to blend among humans and save their species from extinction.

  Moon Mother’s blessings have filled their muscles with inhuman strength and also very long lives indeed; but they have not attained immortality or complete immunity to fatal injuries. Since his birth, Herald has been in the forefront in every battle as Alpha’s son and now as Alpha himself whenever the peace of his clan has been threatened. He has lost many warriors of his handpicked wolf pack trained to be savage killers since birth. Being the leader of the gothic legends, he had to show great restraint and patience in order to maintain his seat of power and to preach to every new generation of wolf males that they are the ones to protect the women and children.

  Eighteen years he has maintained order within his clan and has been there as the only family for his daughters Vivian and Niya. Winterfrost Clan has a fierce reputation for which no immediate threats have lurked outside after their birth; but eighteen years he has dreaded the day when the safety of his clan will finally be breached. He has kept his claws sharp just as the Crone suggested but now the weight is crushing him slowly.

  Whenever he tried to decipher the real meaning of the old Crone’s words he was rejected audience with her. Every wolf daughter is considered to be a part of divine Moon Mother; still the truth is they are not meant for brutality, well technically not Vivian. The same thing cannot be said about Niya. Thinking of her youngest daughter, a smile spreads across Herald’s face.

  Niya’s petite figure is a deception that she wields like a weapon and while the opponent may waste time underestimating her; she would already have landed her killing blow. Since that night when he saw her fearlessness he knew she would grow up to be a fighter and he was right. While Vivian manifested all the feminine desires, Niya would sneak into the training grounds and pick up fights with wolves five times bigger than her.

  Folks often teased her as ‘kitten’ but she is nimble on her feet and silent as a trained predator. Her speed, reflex and agility are amazing and sometimes handy where brute force doesn’t work. Now that both of them have come of age; Herald’s main concern is to find suitable mates for them, strong wolf males who won’t hesitate to lay down their lives for the girls.

  Time is not in favour of any clan so to forge relations with other clans is the best way to ensure survival. Together the pack lives, disbanded they will fall. But first Herald has to break down his thoughts and convince his daughters about the prospect of marriage that too in a different clan. Vivian will not cause trouble hopefully, but Niya will certainly put up a fight.

  “Father.” Niya calls from behind and Herald looks back to find his daughter’s hand covered in dark maroon blood. “Venison is getting ready” she says with a satisfied smile on her face, so much like Rosalyn.

  “I suppose you went hunting?” Herald asks with conflicting emotions, pride for her daughter’s hunting skills and worry for her safety.

  “Yes I did and before you ask me if I went alone or not, I clarify that I didn’t. I took Donny and Marcus with me. They got goats and I got to hunt the wild one.”

  Herald stands up and towers over his daughter “Animals are no threat to you Niya. I am concerned about the rogue ones who attack first and speak later. If they get their claws buried in your neck then news will spread that Alpha spawns are easy to kill. Whatever you do, be careful and wipe your hands as soon as possible. I should not be reminding you that you are a She-wolf.”

  “Oh father, don’t fret so much. I am eighteen now and I can take care of myself in the wilderness. And if something really happens then my wolf howl is enough to call upon the entire clan for my defence.”

  “Yes you are eighteen now Niya, you have grown up well. Now you should start thinking about your wedding.” He could see the rebellious face she was starting to put on and held up his hand to stop the rant about to spill from her lips.

  “No arguments, this is the fate of everyone. We all choose and accept our mates when we come of age and the divine connection is necessary for each other’s survival. And if you have no one here that you like then we better start looking in other clans soon.”

  “You want to send me off then! You want me to leave my clan! Why?? Is it because I killed your mate the minute I opened my eyes in this world?”

  “Niya!! Enough of your stubbornness. It has nothing to do with your mother. She did her job and no one can deny Moon Mother’s call. You have to do your job now and strengthen our alliances.”

  “If I were a male, you would have no problem right?” she snarls

  “Have I ever complained to you about that?”

  “I can understand that much even if you don’t say it to my face. I have tried so hard to fill the gap, to be the heir you deserve but I guess I would never be enough.”

  Herald clutches his fists in frustration. How can he shape this wild little kitten to the desirable She-wolf anyone would take as bride? Maybe Vivian can help.

  “We will discuss everything later. Now go clean up and prepare for dinner.”

  She leaves without saying anything else, rage fuelling her steps.