Chapter 32

  “How did you get it?” Chase asks softly. “We had a deal, so you have to tell me.” He notices the exact moment she slackens and opens her mouth to reply.

  “Okay. This is a birthmark and it glows when moonlight falls on it. Now you will start thinking I am a freak.”

  “It’s pretty actually and suits your personality.” Chase says ignoring her last comment, a little awestruck about the intimate detail he discovered about her. He realizes that he hasn’t removed his hand and feeling bold enough brushes his thumb over the mark.

  Niya snatches her hand back. “Don’t do that.”

  “I am sorry.. it just looks so real... I have never seen a birthmark like this before. Does it do anything?”

  “No. It’s just there.” She hesitates a little more before saying, “Sometimes it burns when the moon light is strong.”

  “You must like the pain.”

  “Why do you think that?”