Niya follows Chase to the royal cemetery. At least she was accepted as royalty after death, though Niya is sure that Elvira never wanted the status. Her grave is plane with a huge polished stone carved with her name on it along with a symbol which at a glance seems familiar but she can’t remember where she have seen it.
Chase stands with his face pinched with pain hands clasped too tightly. Niya can tell that he rarely visits this place. Maybe it’s too much for him and she can understand why. She can’t remember when the last time she visited her mother’s grave was. She opens her satchel and takes out the flower bouquet she made since the morning. She had gone to the creak again and as she saw before the area was filled with various flowers. Nightshade was the first flower she thought to pick but then felt uneasy plucking the flower. Elvira planted them lovingly and it felt like a violation to disturb them.