Niya’s eyes fall on the smirking Witch and her magic infused blood start boiling. She is the reason behind the attacks on her clan. She can smell the blood on her. So much blood of so many souls- human, wolves witches; everyone killed and bled to death. Niya is one with scythe now and the scythe can think, can compare the crimes, can listen to the victims screaming and then land the swing of justice. The Wolf launches itself in air for Crystella, his mouth open and fangs out but before he can even land, Niya throws moon fire at him from her bare hands.
The Wolf is thrown to the ground and the twins waste no time to jump on him. Chase runs to the limp form of Crystella and shakes her. He notices a wound on Crystella’s head and when she regains consciousness, he helps her to stand up again.
“You have made my job much easier, old friend. You have unleashed the weapon!!” Sybil laughs hysterically.