Camilla is seating in the garden, opposite the backdoor, pretending to be having a picnic by herself, but in truth, she is waiting for Lisa to come through, so she can give her their more stolen goods and the latest news on her father.
Camilla isn't bothered that someone might see them as they sit in the open, she is alone at home. Jessie left the house a while ago and Peter has been almost invisible ever since Ethan left for his business trip. She practically has the whole house to herself and as soon as she is done with Lisa, she will go search Ethan's room for even more merchandise.
The back door opens with a gentle creak and Lisa slides in as smoothly as a small child will slip into a crack on the wall.
"Hey, Cam!" She greets grinning from ear to ear.
"Spill it, Lisa, what's up?" Camilla asks unable to curtail her smile. Whenever Lisa is smiling like this, it's bound to be something great and Camilla can't wait to hear it.