Chapter 18


  Ethan is still very confused about Mike and the town. Everywhere is too quiet and he can feel evil coming. The patients in the hospital are supposed to be sick and contagious according to them but they were all roaming around without wearing any form of protection. What sort of infection chose what it wanted to infect? Do diseases now have a mind of their own?

  Ethan stood in front of the bodies observing them. For some reason he felt whatever was going on didn't have anything to do with some contagious virus, it was deeper!

  "Alpha, your room is ready you should go get some rest," Mike says. Ethan grunts an inaudible reply and follows him out of the clinic.

  As they walk to the upper floors where the rooms are, Ethan notices how the corridors are empty and even the few people moving around look too scared to stare up into his face. What are these people afraid of?