Lisa slowly steps out of the back gate of Ethan's estate and pulls it gently behind her. She wrings her face as the door creaks.
Damn door will make her get caught!
Finally, the old door comes to a close and she turns around to scurry to the bus stop when she crashes into a very thick wall. She is knocked out of breathing and takes a step back to regain her balance.
Who is the fool that made a new wall in the middle of the road? -she mumbles to herself as she massages the sore spot on her forehead that had hit the wall. She looks up at the wall, making a mental preparation to give it the longest eye roll of a century when her eyes meet the person she never expected to meet again, Peter.
Once again she is thrown into a loss of air as her lungs run dry and she is gasping to catch her breath, not because she had hit a wall or a mountain of a person this time but because she was standing face to face with Peter!