Ethan is in the fields, waiting for the guards to join him so they can find out what is hidden in the basement of the house at the edge of town. His eyes were red as he couldn't sleep the previous night, thanks to the strange girl he caught trying to seduce her way to his bed. He is yet to question lady Zara, who the girl claimed to be her mother.
He focuses his energy on completing the mission, once he settles it, then he can talk to Lady Zara about the strange encounter he had with the petite wolf in the dark.
"Alpha, we are ready!" Max says.
Most of the men in town are too scared to go into that basement. They say whoever goes in there never returns. Ethan knows all of that was just gimmicks so they won't go down there and since he promised not to force anyone, he let them be. But he needs to know how many men were going with them.
"Okay, how many of the men are going?" Ethan asks.