The coffee cafe across Lisa Maurice's has grown to become Peter's office. He comes in every day sits at his favorite table by the window and just watches. He watches Lisa's movement. He has learned that she leaves the house at exactly two o'clock every day and heads to the city hospital to see a man in a coma. Lucas is yet to give him an update on that man. Aside from that, she returns almost thirty minutes after and stays home. She doesn't leave anymore until the next day.
Peter doesn't believe that's all her schedule she needs to have something else she does for a living, like go to work, earn a living, or anything at all. But all Lisa does is stay home. She hasn't even tried returning to the Estate again and Peter is sure she will try it sooner than he anticipated.
Today, like every other day, he is sitting by his special table and watching.
"Sir, your tea," the waitress says, dropping his tray with a smile.