Camilla's heart keeps beating fast as she counts each second the bus takes to get to the estate.
"I should have taken a fucking bike!" She tells herself, thinking how much faster that would have been.
What is she going to tell Ethan if she gets home and finds him there?
She clasps her hand together and says a quick prayer. "Oh God please, I know I am not much of a praying person but help me out here!"
She is even supposed to have gone to see her dad after talking to Lisa but Ethan's call changed everything. All she cared for right now, is to get home before he does.
As the bus drove along the road, she presses her foot so right unto the floor hoping it will make the bus go any faster. The bus finally reaches her stop and her legs are aching from the pushing she has been doing. Camilla jumps down from the bus and hurries to the back door. As she gets to it, she remembers Peter.
"Oh my God!" She forgot about him.