"Run again?" Camilla repeats trying to make sense of Lisa's advice. She puts more emphasis on the last word.
"Yes, baby girl. Run." She repeats.
Camilla gets even more confused wondering what Lisa means by what she is constantly repeating.
"Lisa, I have two questions." Camilla breathes to the phone.
"Ask away your favorite customer service agent is online," Lisa chirps.
Camilla rolls her eyes smiling at Lisa's comment. "Lisa, can you at least pretend to be serious sometimes?"
"Nope, I can't," Lisa says pooping her mouth dramatically loud through the phone.
"That's why I said you should pretend, I know you can never be serious," Camilla responded laughing.
"You are killing my acting, just go on with the questions already!" Lisa snaps playfully.
Camilla laughs shaking her head at her friend's attitude. Lisa can be so funny at times one will never guess her to be a pickpocket.