Camilla and Ethan take the direction of the corridors. Ethan is still thinking about Jessie, if not for Camilla, he would have sent her away long ago. But he has allowed her to start despite every annoying little thing she has done.
Camilla notices the small frown on his face and she purposefully brushes her hands against his as they walk. The familiar electric sizzle that follows, makes Ethan snap out of his thoughts.
He summons the courage to wrap his hand around hers, enjoying the familiar feeling at the contact. She had a way of melting away his worries without even doing anything. Indeed, a mate is truly the only one-two who can make you feel better in every circumstance.
"Where have you been all my life?" He whispers so sweetly to her.
A deep blush creeps up her cheeks and she starts working faster, feeling shy all of a sudden. "You said you had work to do! Go do your work..." She squeaks looking everywhere but his face.