"Peter meet my friend, Lisa." Camilla introduces, "and Lisa meet Peter," she says with a smile. She knows they had met because Lisa told her but to keep their story without holes, they have to carry on pretending but Peter has other plans.
"Oh, hi Lisa..." Peter grins. "Lisa Maur or should I say, Lisa Maurice?"
Lisa and Camilla exchange looks before returning to smile blindly at Peter.
"You two know each other?" Camilla squeaks awkwardly, pretending to not have known about their meeting. Lisa immediately buys the new trick Camilla is starting
"Oh yes. We do. Yeah, I know him," Lisa stutters, scratching the back of her ears.
Peter folds his arms across his chest and watches them with amusement in his eyes. He knew they were lying but somehow, he seem to enjoy the show they were presenting.
"Hi, Peter, right?" Lisa squeaks again as her ears grow red in embarrassment.