"But Lisa, you don't have to leave the house." Camilla has grown tired of trying to convince Lisa to stay. Lisa refuses to listen, she already has her mind made up. But Camilla keeps saying it anyway as Lisa packs her bags.
"I came here on holiday, not to stay forever Camilla, don't be silly!" Lisa hisses as she throws her belongings into the small bag she had brought into the house. "And I have overstayed my welcome..." She adds under her breath.
"Lisa, you haven't overstayed... I want you here, I want you to stay with me. Please just think about this, the bullies we will fight them! Jessie and Sandra can't do anything. Did you not see the way Ethan put them in their places? Come on Lisa!" Camilla cries out. Convincing Lisa to stay is like asking an angry wife that caught her husband cheating to remain faithful.
Lisa stops what she is doing and turns around to face Camilla.