Trusting The Beta.
Peter washed his face and picked up a fresh T-shirt. What Lisa had told him came as a shock to him. He never knew Camilla had a father. Since she barely spoke of him, he figured he was dead like her mother or nonexistent.
He took his car keys and walked out of the house. The guards opened the gates, wondering where their Beta was heading so early in the morning. But none dared to ask him.
As soon as Peter had eased his car out of the house, he zoomed off into the road and went straight to Lisa's place. He was there in less than fifteen minutes. He ran up the stairs and gave the door a sharp knock once he was at it.
"Hello!" He called getting impatient.
Someone rapped at the door and Peter stepped back knowing that she was finally opening it for him.
"Peter," Lisa said giving him a quick hug.
He kissed her on the forehead and held her face. "What happened?" He whispered to her.