The day was bright and the flowers shone with different colors adding to the splendor of the day. The entire pack was in the estate and it bubbled with activities as everyone tried to get their hands on the arrangement.

  Mary was in Camilla's room fixing her hair.

  "You look beautiful!" Lisa exclaimed by the side of the door. She closed the door and scurried to where Camilla sat in front of the dressing table.

  "The priest is ready and your groom can't wait to see you!" She beamed with a blinding smile.

  Camilla could not contain her joy. She was so excited, her smile was all over the place. The day, she thought would never come had finally arrived.

  She remembers when she had given up on their relationship. How heartbroken she had felt about the way everything was going and now finally Ethan was going to be hers.

  She would be called his wife and he would be her husband. No one would be able to separate them.