Chapter 19

David looks at me with a sigh. "Yes. As Luna, they'll have a greater influence on you than they did tonight, and it's starting to upset you."

As a small headache becomes more severe, I shake my head. This means it's time for me to get out of my snow-covered boots, get my belongings off the bed, and undress. A lavishly laced black bra was tossed over the dressed figure.

David seemed to be perplexed by my presence. He growls, and the corners of his eyes become bright orange. I groan as I get to my feet and go towards the dresser. Even though the headache and chest pain are still there, I try to ignore them in order to keep from crying again. I go out of the toilet and take off my dress and tights if necessary. Following a thorough brushing of my teeth and removal of my makeup, I open the bathroom door to find David seated on my bed.

"I'm available if you want me to." He claims to be