The Cursed Parrots

 " Honourable Mayor, may I know what's this sudden meet is about in this busy day? It picks my concern regarding the presence of, the leaders of Hepton and Neyley. I hope not to hear anything unpleasant this time", asked Mr. Hemmington, leading purveyor of petulando.

When the mayor leaned towards his side and opened his mouth to reply, Mr. Rowan entered the hall earning all the attention towards him.

As soon as he entered, the first thing he checked was the faces of the jurisdictions present, inorder to keep the gathering a bit closed.

The hall held merely six to seven officials from Petulando, while the rest of the two were the presidentials of Hepton and Neyley.

He then turned back and looked for his villow, who was nowhere to be seen for a very long distance.

" It seems like he wasn't up from the pain!", he sighed and took the large chair at the center, which was set up on a raised platform.

Mr. Rowan bowing his head in respect, greeted the officials present in a very humble manner, "Welcome, honorable Generals! Please make yourself comfortable".

Mr. Griffen, president of Hepton gave a crooked smile and leaned his back forward to ask something peculiar to Mr. Rowan.

"Well, why don't we see your villow anywhere? The meeting can't be valid without him", he giggled.

It was something Mr. Rowan expected from the leader of Hepton, a person who loves to make mockery out of somone's situation especially to the people of petulando.

Mr. Rowan cleared his throat and looked at a bronze cage besides his podium, where a small beaked black parrot named Savis sat in it, in a wierd posture.

With his eyes perfectly in contact with Savis, he flipped his fingers twice, where his fingers thrashing produced smoke around it, making the bird grab his attention.

It raised its body as soon as he flipped, while its eyes turned completely red, upon taking the instructions from its master.

When Savis was out of the cage, flying high up to the ceiling, Mr. Roman whispered to himself "ESCORT HIM".

As soon as he whispered, Savis flew out of the hall terrifying the leaders present, by his amazing stunts, making them all get annoyed for a moment.

" Crazy one! Same as his master", Mr. Griffen swore him on his mind with furrowed brows.

The parrot seemed totally abnormal, when it comes with its appearance as well as its behaviour.

The eyes of the bird was angry anytime, which deliberately observed the atmosphere around and no one in the land can escape from its ears.

These black birds were not much to be seen in TriOgle, as they were Royal possessions called as The Cursed Parrots.

" Ah! It's paining. Mom, don't poke me, I'll get up now", cried Scizian, who was still down at the floor, not on his right mind cause of the powerful spell.

It was the beak of Savis that poked him, which he believed it to be his nagging mom, who used to kick him every morning, trying to wake up her overdosing son.

Unlike his mother, the poking went on endlessly, which at some point made him get steamed up rigorously.

" WHAAAT?", swiftly raising up from the floor, Scizian screamed like crazy, being done by the annoying poke.

"Savis!", he bawled, who was quite confused of why he was lying down at Mr. Rowan's room, that too in a very wierd manner. It was only the parchment he held on his hand, made him remember the incident minutes ago, that made him fly to the gathering area as quick as a flash.

" Look, who's here!" Mr. Griffen made fun of Scizian, who looked gross like a pathetic one, unkempt haired with an untidy appearance.

Mr. Rowan did not yell nor give a foul expression to his villow, as he knew how painful it would be to get FULGUROUSED.

" Enough with the useless talks! Let's get into the discussion", the Headman appealed and waved his hand towards his villow.

Scizian then brought bunch of yellow parchments to the Headman and kept it on the top of his table.

The meeting then turned serious, when Mr. Rowan started the issue of Infringement.

Keeping his eye glass on the tip of his nose, the Headman read the statements in the parchment, that showcased the rule breaking of the youngsters, that might bring threat to the Ogles.

[ During the last seven thirty days, the rules of TRICAPITAL CANON was completely ignored by few imprudent fellows in our sacred land]



[ As per our knowledge, Rule 134 clearly warns the Ogles from muddling in the business of the plebs, since it leads to unnecessary confusions and threat to the Ogles.]

[ Excluding the, Island Of The True Cross, its completely illegal to trespass or wander around the oceans and lands that belong to the plebs; Allowed to persuade only if emergency arises as per rule 135]

Mr. Rowan then dropped those parchments on the table and moved his eyes towards the Generals.

" Stated the above rules, are the primary lessons taught to any children above age seven in TriOgle. I fear if the youngsters are taking the lessons taught at the seminary just for granted. If things continue, then there might arise uncomfortable situations, making the orders of the seminary a bit serious for the learners".

" I object this, Honourable Headman!", said Mr. Griffen, who raised up from his seat quickering, lifting his right hand up.
The rest of the Generals present, felt bad about Mr. Griffen's attitude, who interrupted in the middle of Mr. Rowans statement, before he even asked for objections.
Raising his brow up in anger, Mr. Rowan signalled the President to clear out his point of view.
" When you already have the answer in hand, why touch the nose stretching your arms around your head", he smirked.
" What are you trying to say?", Mr. Rowan asked.
" Summon the felonious ones infront! The way you punish them, might teach a lesson to the rest", ordered Mr. Griffen ferociously.
The huge hall turned completely silent, echoing only the sound of the flaming firewoods mounted all over the walls, of the hallway.
" Youngsters of Petulando are too despicable these days. Its better to show them what's right to do in life, since its very clear, that they might be the ones to cross the limits of the Maribund.", Griffen added and pointed at Savis to induce his spell on it.
Mr. Rowan laughed at his absurd behaviour, that made him lose his mind to use the power of his dignity, to the species that served a different master.
The Headman never made an attempt to stop his foolish act, since some people need to learn lessons for their deeds, by their own actions.
Before Mr. Griffen swinged his hand, the President of Neyley Mr. Vade, jumped into the scene and stopped the mischeivious leader, who might have burned to pieces if he might have used his cunningness onto the bird.
" Stop it! Get back to your senses", Mr. Vade held his arms and groaned to the leader of Hepton by a mere whisper.
Inorder to hide the embrassement of acting foolish, Mr. Griffen changed the topic, still pointing his fingers towards the cursed bird.
" The cursed parrot, it'll bring the truth of the world! Dare you bring the infringers of your land", he talked in a very loud voice, making everyone believe his sayings as truth.
Supressing his laugh, Mr. Rowan asked the leader in a tone of mockery,
" Then, what about Hepton and Neyley?"...
Even the question put forth on the opposition leaders never made the Generals present at the hall come out of their silence zones.
When Mr. Griffen stayed silent on what he was about to ask, Mr. Rowan added," Don't your lands possess the Royalty parrots? Aren't they cursed enough to point the crimes of the town?".
Who knows, the provoking words of Mr. Rowan was much more powerful than a Humilio spell, which taunts a man from humiliating others.
Getting too much done by the Headman's attitude, Mr. Griffen raised his hand and stroked it fast towards the Headman, a sudden loud noise interrupted the silence of the hallway, which was thunderous as if splitting the skies apart.