Ethos of Petulando

( Dear readers, the first half is written in narrators point of view)


An invisible territory which extended its happy hours on earth with no economic or social issues like the plebs.

Besides the two capitals, Petulans lived an ecstatic life admist the obstacles caused by the dominants.

Happy streets with ceaseless magic; clouds on errand upon the words of ancestor's hymnious relics; mysterious birds that took over the safety of land from minding people from using restrainted magics; Altruistic petulans who could never bare to walk through dark traits practiced on Felkock's soil.

Strongest through physique and tender towards love; Like their vast love, spread the oceans protecting them from the wicked's nefarious Hexes;

Not ever in the history, the streets of Petulans were seen dry; Always chilly with clouds capturing the sky; Treasuring happy kiddos always playing aside.

Houses made of Zebrano; Ordered as per the rankings of wealth and authority; People would not walk besides the building getting stunned by the beauty made of green Jadeite.

While people lived at Grakewood, Haverlake and Bord, Mendus Jade was what that brought every children together as one crowd.

For as Bord held Bleakville, palace of regime and the Ministry; Haverlake held Mendus Jade; Grakewood captured people's heart by extending its place for people to vend.

Petulando stayed unique, even in the type of soil form, having brown mud, while the rest were ash; It was Kroove and Aelrus that made people of neighboring capitals took envious of, who never had those special type of vegetation which brought sorcerers an ample amount of strength.


But whatsoever, Infringement wasn't something new for 'em all.

Inspite of the existence of the holy CANON and pleaseless penalties, there were still young minds, who broke it off being aware of the leading consequences.

It doesn't mean they disrespected the Canon...

It was the curiosity to know if something existed beyond their knowledge; the doubts if all the words said about Plebs were merely assumptions; the eager to explore the SHOULD NEVER CROSS landforms according to the Canon.

Authorities went through identity threat cause of those infringement for decades, fearing if something wicked might approach them.

It was impossible!

Still..., they stay warned cause that was what their ancesters alerted them, even at the stage of their last breath.

At last, innocents souls were all who stand at the place of punishment grill. Cause they were the ones, who were always curious of what might happen breaking off every limit...


As always petulans were happy but that was not the case with the teens.

Having bringing them into the austere fort for infringement, the misleading facts about them had made dominants pull them into dangerous stunts.

It had been more than an hour since they got trapped inside a cursed ring.

" Its raining!", Edmund stroked his senior.

" Shut up! I can see it"

Chantley yelled back at him due to frustration, cause of staying still for minutes.

" What's there to work up? I'm just saying since you looked zoned out".

Asked Edmund frusrated too.

" Well, those drizzles got me reminded of Mrs. Rebec's hot spicy rolls!"

" Ah, Senior! Don't make me get reminded of it! I had never missed to eat it during rainy days. I miss it so much!", shrieked Edmund.

It seemed like Chantley wasn't in good mood that day. He seemed disturbed and zoned out. His inner mind was at conflict but to the world he showed complete silence making his friends worried.

He wasn't bothered by Edmund's scream. Staring through the visible rain with sorrowful eyes, he said in a deep voice.

" You know when I first saw the superior lady at Bleakville, spicy rolls was what I got reminded of. Just look at the difference between these two. Having same name as Rebec's, they share totally opposite characters. Sometimes, I used to laugh all by myself comparing both of their behaviours when they get angry", with a giggle chantley continued," Its pretty hard to handle them both when they're angry, right?".

" Yeah! I agree with you! But I just can't get over the smell of spicy rolls. Whenever I passed across the lovely green stall after school, she would pass on her lovely smile towards me. No matter how hard the rain poured, she was always there for us, to fill up our stomach... Whatever I do to boost me up, I can't win over the insecurity I've been feeling ever since we got here. I'm afraid if we'd get stuck here forever".

Tears kept on piled up in Edmund's eyes sharing his lonesome throughts to his friendly senior.

" Come on! What's there to cry? I'll take you home as how I promised you at the marimund. Cheer up", noticing the young lad getting gloomy, Chantley cheered him up at tht top of his voice, waving his hand in the rain.

His words kind of lifted Edmund's mood up. With an idea to play with him, Edmund turned to his side and got stunned for a moment.

He wiped his eyes and sighed.

" Are you being funny? ", he asked irritably.

He couldn't bare to control his laugh, eventually bursting out infront of his senior for his silly act.

" WHAT!!!", Chantley asked with wide opened eyes, getting furious at his words.

Edmund apologised to him before letting out any words, since laughing at a senior wasn't something appreciated at the capital.

" Well, Look at you! What's there to shake your hands in rain while you're getting fully drenched up? It's so funny to look at you", he said with a bright smile moving steps behind cautious of getting beaten up.

Poor Combatants!

They got stuck in a place of mystery, where heat and cold stroked them with no evidence for sky's existence.

The place had only broken walls and narrow spaces, where they got nowhere to get aside during rain.

Even after the nimbustrous clouds started to pour, Mr. Ulver was nowhere to be found, making the combatants get break down mentally.