Hunter Association

Looking at Kane, Abel could tell what was going on in his student's mind. He was feeling indignant as his chance to show off in front of his student was ruined by such news.

He wanted to take it slow with this wonderful student of his but he could not help but acknowledge the sense of urgency that Kane was exhibiting.

He originally wanted to head back home and gradually train Kane and slowly build his foundations. He could only change his plans and let the experience become the greatest teacher in Kane's case.

"Come along now. Let's get you registered in the hunters association. So that you can head into the Noble district sooner" said Abel in a much softer tone.

Edan city was once a small mortal town that wasn't too big. It was one of the many safe zones which were put in place to protect groups of humans who don't have cultivators above grunt realm tier five.

These safe zones did not suffer from monster raids or monster tides as the earth covers the city with an aura that turns even the strongest monsters away.

The then governor of the town took advantage of this and only permitted entry into it only by mortals and cultivators who were below grunt realm tier five to maintain relative peace.

The drawback quickly became apparent after a few decades, those who could hunt could no longer match the ever increasingly powerful monsters in the wild.

The population also began to rise. Since there were no longer any cultivators who could match the power of the monsters outside the city walls, the town could no longer obtain contribution points that were needed to further expand land for both agriculture and settling citizens.

When the pressure became unbearable to the masses, there was a revolt and the governor was killed. The citizens desperately sought stronger cultivators to address the pressing situation of the town.

Unfortunately, the reputation of the town was already widely known and the cultivators who came to help looked at the townsmen with contempt.

When the problems facing the town were resolved, the cultivators decided to separate the mortals from the cultivators using a big wall that divided the now Edan city into two parts. One smaller part for the mortals and another larger part for the cultivators.

A figurehead governor was appointed by the cultivators in the Nobledistrict who runs the affairs of the mortals and frequently reports to them.

Every city acknowledged by the earth would immediately have a huge ten-story building spawn at a random location in the city. The building would have a majestic 3d sign projected in front of it which read Hunter Association.

The building will also spawn humans within it with various power levels who hold positions within the association and perform various duties. These humans normally are restricted from leaving the building.

The Hunter Association became the channel through which cultivators could gain contribution points by completing tasks and exchanging the contribution points for items or services provided by the earth.

Because of the divide, the sect head of the Storm Cradle sect which was the ruling sect of Edan city, Storm breaker Philimon spent a lot of contribution points to spawn another Hunters Association in the Noble district.

Abel and his student Kane quickly set off to the Hunters Association that was on the mortal's side of the wall. They drove for almost thirty minutes before getting to the location.

Their vehicle was parked beside the sidewalk which was some distance away from the hunters association building. They quickly disembarked from the vehicle before following the multitude of people who were also heading into the building.

The inside of the building was bustling. There was faint music playing in the background. People moved from place to place, some were staring at huge screens hung from the ceiling of this floor, some were discussing among themselves while others were standing in queues in front of each of the ten booths on this floor.

Each booth had a female attendant who attended to anyone in the queue in front of the booth. The teacher and student duo quickly joined a queue with Kane in front.

They stood in the queue for approximately thirty minutes before it got to their turn.

"Greetings sir, what can I do for you today," asked the attendant. She had green hair and fair skin and was putting on a white one-piece uniform with brown stripes. There was a badge on the left side of her chest displaying a roaring lion's head crossed by two swords.

"I'm here to register this fella as a hunter," said Able as he patted Kane's head. "Really? Are you already in the grunt realm? How old are you?" the woman seemed excited she asked three questions in a single breath.

"Yes. I'm four years old and I'm in the grunt realm" said Kane as he looked downwards while blushing. People who were close by were looking at Kane in admiration and some even in jealousy. It should be noted that everyone here who was here to be registered as a hunter and were in the grunt realm was not less than fifteen years old.

"Wow! You must be a prodigy. I am very happy for you. Wait, give me your finger let me take a blood sample" said the woman as she grabbed Kane's hand with one hand and stabbed it with a needle with the other hand all before Kane could react.

She put the needle with his blood into a handheld device she produced from seemingly nowhere. After a breaths time, the woman looking at the machine trembled. In fact, the bodies of the ten attendants trembled at the same time.

Not too many people noticed that but Kane did and this gave him goosebumps. The woman attending to him immediately brightened up and had a beaming smile as she requested Kane's identity card.

After some time spent working on the computer in front of her, She handed back Kane's identity card along with a new black card.

"Here is your identity card and your new hunter identity card. I will also give you a list of top sects you can choose from. You have been granted permanent access into to Noble district and won't need to take the hunter association test…"

Before the woman could continue speaking, Abel had to cut her off "I'm sorry but he won't be going into the Noble district nor will he be joining any sect at this point. He's just too young and lacks experience, I'm afraid he would be taken advantage of if he goes there".

Immediately after Abel finished talking, the faint music playing in the background immediately stopped, even the sound coming from the huge screens hung on the ceiling suddenly stopped. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the people talking in the lobby. This also died down almost immediately when they noticed what happened.

The attendant in front of Kane slowly turned her head towards Abel with a blank and cold look on her face. The nine other attendants climbed their booths on all fours and then poked their heads to look at Abel the same way as the first attendant.

Everyone in the lobby knew that something was not right. They immediately retreated towards the exit but Kane and Abel were rooted on the spot and could not move. They were both trembling in their boots and sweating buckets. They could feel a kind of darkness that was slowly creeping toward them.

"He's right. I'm too young and I just stepped into the grunt realm. I have little to no experience and I'm none the wiser. I know that you already know of my mutation and elemental affinity. If something were to happen to me then it would be pitiful". Kane was almost stuttering when he said this. The creeping darkness receded a little.

The attendants all looked at Kane and said at the same time in a creepy sexless voice "you can just be entrusted to a master and you will be adequately nurtured and taken care of. Your worries are unfounded".

"My heart won't be at rest and I fear this will cause problems for me later during cultivation. So please senior let me train on my own for now. I promise to come back when I'm ready" Kane said while cupping his fists.

There was a slight pause before the attendants all nodded at the same time. They all returned to their usual positions and the background music resumed and the gloomy atmosphere cleared almost instantly.

"Have a nice day" said the attendant in front of Kane with a warm smile as if nothing happened just moments ago.

"Thank you, senior," said Kane and his master almost simultaneously before moving quickly towards the exit.