Fighting Talon

When the dust settled, Abel saw talon's condition. There was a deep wound that extended from his chest to his armpit. It looked like he dodged the arrow in the nick of time. There was a pit behind him where the arrow pierced the ground.

Abel knew that talon was really pissed. He formed a light arrow but didn't shoot because he knew that talon would definitely switch to using melee attacks. He was aware that those who had wind elemental affinity had the tendency of mastering skills that boosted the user's speed. He needed to be extra careful fighting this guy.

Not long after he raised his guard did talon disappear from his original spot. Abel quickly raised his longbow to defend his chest when there was a loud bang. His longbow was the only thing between his heart and talon's nails.

He did not even have the time to be shocked before quickly rolling to the side as talon threw a wind blade at his previous position. Talon was really annoyed by the way Abel kept dodging his attacks. His speed alone was much faster than anyone in the same realm.

He flashed towards Abel who was still recovering from his roll and stabbed his fingers towards Abel's eyes. Once more, Abel was able to block his fingers with his longbow. He wanted to throw another wind blade at Abel since he was on lying on the ground and could no longer row because he was pinned down by his fingers.

Talon raised his other hand but before he could form a wind blade, Abel swung his arrow at his fist, knocking it aside and sending the wind blade in another direction. He kicked out at talon's midsection which sent him flying. Abel quickly rolled backward into a standing position and then jumped backward before putting the arrow into his longbow and taking aim at Talon.

He shot five arrows consecutively, and another ten above him in an instant. Talon just recovered from the kick and had no time to set up a mini-tornado in front of him to defend against the arrows. He could only form an intense burst of wind that rotated clockwise. It only lasted long enough to misdirect four arrows before the fifth one pierced his thigh.

Talon knew that he had finally bit more than he can chew. He seemed powerful to other cultivators because of his burst speed and his nails. His mutation was a beast-type mutation called 'eagle blood'. beast type mutations were very common and not special as they only granted the individual the ability and attributes of an animal.

Eagle blood granted talon superhuman eyesight which was precisely why he could follow Kane without losing him in Edan city no matter how hard he tried to shake them and how he could follow Abel's armored RV when they were miles apart without being noticed.

His nails also became extremely sharp as they could even easily rip steel to shreds with them. His mutation also allowed him to have an affinity with the wind element and he was able sense the dao of wind. But the eagle blood mutation also had its flaws.

The eagle was not a fighter. He would not be disadvantaged if he could end the fight in a few moves. If it lasted longer, his enemy could more or less get used to his monotonous move sets. He could have been fine but his current opponent was terrifyingly powerful. Not only was Abel a powerful marksman, but he was also good in melee combat. He could switch his bow and arrow from ranged weapons to melee weapons seamlessly.

Abel's bow on its own seemed to be a warrior realm treasure as that could explain why he could not shatter it with his nails. Not only was Abel's combat ability outstanding, but he was also convinced that Abel had a way to predict his moves.

His speed was not due to the fact that he was innately fast but because of his low-grade movement skill which was called wind propulsion. This skill could increase the user's movement speed only when they were moving in a straight line. Any deviation will result in them losing balance.

He considered fleeing but the arrow in his thigh was going to hinder his escape. He saw Abel aiming at him and quickly called out "wait, I give up". this seemed to work as Abel removed the arrow from his longbow.

Talon was quickly elated by Abel's action and quickly threw a wind blade at him and activated his wind propulsion skill as he followed after the wind blade. He knew that Abel would be taken by surprise by his treachery. After Abel blocked or dodged his wind blade, he would definitely kill him with his nails.

How could things always work out as planned? Because of the wound on this thigh, he was slower by a level. Abel quickly sidestepped the wind blade since he was expecting it and swung down his arrow on the unsuspecting Talon's head who had disbelief written all over his face.

The arrow smashed his head and Talon immediately saw red. His nervous system could not even register the pain immediately because his brain had been damaged. Abel quickly dashed away from Talon as ten arrows fell from the sky turning Talon's body into a sieve.

"Fucking peasant, in your next life try to know who you are about to mess with" Snickered Abel as he slipped Talon's storage ring from his finger. The skill he used to kill talon was called 'arrow rain'. His victory over talon was to be expected. He had a lot of options that could guarantee his victory while talon could only react.

Not only was talon's mutation power weak, but his chosen dao also paled in comparison to Abel's. Dao was divided into four. Minor dao, abstract dao, earthly dao, and heavenly dao.

Minor dao is the weakest of the three and the easiest to practice and master. They mainly focus on the elements and include the dao of fire, Talon's dao of wind, and others.

Abstract dao focuse more on the rules of science 

Earthly dao focuses on the various states of man. Their abilities are very mysterious and very hard to guard against. They include Walters' dao of mechanization, Briggs' dao of darkness, Abel's dao of fate, and others.

Heavenly dao is the strongest dao in existence. They are also the hardest to practice and master. In fact, Kane's father Rhiener was the only one to ever learn a heavenly dao. There are only five known heavenly dao which include Rhiener's dao of space, dao of time, dao of life, dao of death, and dao of subjugation.

Abel turned towards the direction the armored rv drove off to and thought that it was going to be a long day for him.