Water source

When Kane moved out of sight, Abel's smiling face slowly faded. The danger Mr. Abdul suddenly posed was not something to joke about. His dao would definitely be an earth dao, a powerful one at that. Even with his current power, he was sure that taking on Mr. Abdul would not be an easy feat.

His danger premonition would warn him whenever he is in danger and his enhanced luck would make sure that the direction he randomly picked to raise his guard in was the correct direction to place his guard. All these combined would only place him in a passive position. He would only be able to defend against Mr. Abdul's attacks without any chance of retaliation.

He had to find a way to deal with Mr. Abdul. His figure flashed as he left his original position.

Kane had been moving into the forest for almost a day. It was almost nightfall when he decided to stop and find a clearing where he could pitch a tent. After pitching his camping tent, the sun was no longer in the sky and it was already dark.

He did not make a campfire because he did not have the courage to do so. He went into his tent nervously and zipped it up. He did not go to sleep immediately either. He took out a packet of compressed biscuits and a bottle of water.

After his meal, he brought out a pile of grass and herbs he randomly picked on his way to his campsite. He thought of eating them in order to increase his poison resistance. After hesitating for a while, he decided not to consume them because he did not know how poisonous they were. One of them might even outrightly kill him before he could get the chance to develop resistance against its toxin.

He slept off not long after. After waking up early the next day, he continued his journey into the forest as he looked for a water source. It didn't take long before he heard the sound of water splashing. He carefully approached a clearing and saw a very large lake.

The lake looked clean and there did not seem to be any dangerous beasts living in it. He spotted a young deer drinking water on the other side of the lake. No matter how cute the deer looked, it was still a mutated beast. Kane was not sure of the deer's power rating but its power would not be below the grunt realm.

He placed an arrow into his bow and drew the bowstring. He was sure that if he drew it a little more, his strength would be more than enough to break the bow so he made a mental note to buy a better bow with his contribution points when next he gets the chance.

He took aim and fired at the deer. The arrow flew at an extreme speed and pierced the young deer's skull. The force from the impact pushed the young deer's body back a few feet as its muscles twitched erratically for a while before it died.

Before Kane could celebrate his first kill, there was a loud roar as another deer which was more than three times larger than the one he killed charged out from the other side of the clearing. It ran to the corpse of the deer Kane killed and whimpered as it nudged the young deer's body with its head.

Kane decided to leave quietly as he knew that he killed the larger deer's child. The deer suddenly turned its head towards Kane's location and roared. It was obvious that he had been spotted. The deer charged into the lake in order to cross over to Kane's side.

Kane drew another arrow and aimed at the incoming furious deer. He would not run away since the deer before him had clearly abandoned all logical reasoning and was clearly after his life even if it meant sacrificing its own in exchange.

The moment it set its front hooves landed on the bank of the lake, Kane let loose the arrow he had trained on the deer's head following the instructions stated in the piercing shot archery skill. There was a loud whistle as the arrow traveled at incredible speeds towards the deer's skull.

The deer suddenly lowered its head and dodged the arrow before charging toward Kane with all its might with its antlers pointing straight at Kane. Kane was shocked as he found out that the deer's strength was at least not lower than the tier 4 grunt realm as it was able to dodge an arrow shot from a bow that had a tier 3 grunt realm rating.

He quickly came back to his senses as he used consecutive shots and fired five arrows almost simultaneously at the deer. He did not hold back and the bow broke after he fired the fifth shot. He swiftly rolled to the side without even checking the result of his shots.

"Bam!" there was a large impact sound as the deer charged past Kane's previous location and impaled a large tree with its antlers. After a brief pause, it furiously pushed itself from side to side in an attempt to dislodge its antlers from the tree trunk.

How could let go of such an opportunity presented before him? He took out his combat knife and plunged it into the deer's neck before sliding it down to trace a gruesome line on it. There was a squeal of pain coming from the deer as it kicked out with its hoof.

The kick landed on Kane's stomach sending him flying. He landed heavily on the ground, reeling from the unbearable pain, he felt like all the air in his lungs had been forced out through his mouth. He even tasted something metallic at the back of his throat.

The deer which had already freed itself from the tree by breaking off its antlers quickly dashed beside Kane and tried to stump him to death with its front hoofs but Kane rolled over to the side and kicked the deer's hind leg and breaking the bone.

The deer fell on its stomach after and grunted in pain. This gave Kane the opportunity to climb on its back and took the deer's head in his hands and snapped its neck. Both human and deer fell to the ground. One was very dead while the other was panting deeply.