Sudden attack

The light from the campfire revealed the unusual way the grass outside of the clearing swayed and crumpled. If not for his heightened observation, he would have not noticed it.

He suddenly took out his bow and an arrow and shot into the forest in front of him in one swift motion.

There was a loud yelp sound and Kane knew that his suspicions were correct. He was moments away from being ambushed.

He quickly fired another arrow in that direction and the yelping sound abruptly stopped. That was exactly when he saw them. Huge grey wolves dash out from the forest all around him.

He had been surrounded and if he had waited a little more he would have been completely locked in.

He took out his combat knife and dashed towards a direction with the least number of wolves. There were two wolves in his path. He roughly counted about ten wolves. If he got delayed then the outcome would not be nice.

He would have tried dashing towards the forest exit but there were more wolves in that direction as they intentionally blocked that path so he had no other choice but to head deeper into the forest.

The two wolves tried to pounce on him when they were close enough. Kane managed to sidestep one but the second wolf crashed into his chest but was not Abel to knock Kane over. Kane was pleasantly surprised that the wolf was not in the tier 6 grunt realm.

He had a wild thought of staying put and fighting all of them since they should all be at the same level but the wolf bit into his arm and the pain jolted him to reality. If all of the wolves swarmed him, he would be mauled to death in no time.

He stabbed the wolf at the back of its head with his combat knife and it turned limp and fell to the ground. The second wolf readjusted its body and pounced on Kane a second time.

Kane quickly dodged the wolf and bolted into the forest. He could have easily killed it but the others would catch up to him if he wasted more time. The forest was dark and Kane almost stumbled a few times but he could still make out the trees in his path.

He kept the combat knife back into his waist pack and took out an arrow. He immediately turned around and shot the arrow into the skull of the wolf directly behind him.

Another wolf jumped into him but before it could bite into any part of Kane's body, he wrapped his arm around the wolf's neck and fell on his back before using the momentum to roll backward and stand on his feet.

With a strong squeeze, he broke the wolf's neck and kept running. He was bloodied at this point. The bite from the first wolf and the wounds inflicted on him by the claws of the wolves that pounced on him left him with wounds that continued leaking blood.

He found a tall and sturdy tree and immediately climbed it and stood on a branch. He took out another arrow and shot and killed the wolf that was closest to him.

He took out another arrow and killed another wolf that was already on the branch he was on. Before he could shoot another arrow, a wolf directly pounced on him and knocked him off the branch he was standing on.

He fell hard on the floor and saw stars when he hit the back of his head hard on the ground. The wolf on top of him wanted to bite his throat but Kane put his arm into the wolf's mouth instead.

As it bit into his arm, Kane took out his combat knife and stabbed the wolf in its skull. He tried to stand and keep running but another wolf bit into his calf.

Before it could tear a chunk of meat from his calf, Kane had already stabbed it in its skull. "Arrrrgh" Kane was screaming at the top of his lungs at this point. The pain from his wounds had already triggered adrenaline to be pumped into his bloodstream.

A wolf jumped towards him. He directly grabbed the wolf's upper and lower jaw with his hands and ripped the wolf's jaw apart.

Another wolf bit his thigh and attempted to drag him towards the lake. It didn't manage to though as Kane stabbed it in the skull as it was about to enter the clearing where the lake was located.

There were no more wolf snarls and the only sound that could be heard was Kane's quickened panting. He was almost half dead and had lost a lot of blood.

He took out his hunters association identity card so that he would buy a generic healing potion for his injuries. He was shocked when he saw what was written on the identity card 'Not available. Exit battle first'. He knew he fucked up

A huge grey wolf that was almost four feet tall jumped on top of him. It went for Kane's jugular vein and Kane reflexively sent his hand which was holding onto the combat knife into the wolf's open mouth.

The wolf twisted its neck and dodged the strike and bit down hard on his arm. Kane felt a wave of extreme pain as he heard a crunching sound coming from the arm that was in the wolf's mouth.

"Arrrrgh" Kane cried and used his other fist to punch hard at the wolf's throat. The wolf spun around and threw Kane away before whelping in pain.

He slammed into a tree and coughed up blood. His inner organs were injured and his right hand which was bending at an unnatural angle had its flesh mangled and a bone was popping out of it.

'Damn the wolf is probably at the peak of grunt realm. I might die tonight' thought Kane as he saw that the wolf had already recovered and was charging straight at him.

The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a ray of light piercing the wolf's head.