OP Power ups

Abel stared at his student who was currently making superhero posses in amusement. "Here put on some clothes. You make me feel like a sex offender just by standing next to you" said Abel as he threw some clothes at Kane. Kane blushed furiously and hurriedly picked up his new clothes.

"Your method of advancing into the mutant realm is quite peculiar. In other cases, energy from the core forms a cocoon around the cultivator but yours is formed with your blood. And others don't have their belongings evaporated into thin air. Now you have lost all your belongings. Including your spatial waist pack. That shit cost a small fortune," said Abel while facepalming. "Check your neural chip there should be changes made by default after stepping into the mutant realm"

Kane checked his neural chip and his stats were displayed.

Name: Kane Smith.

Age: 4.

Class: Tier 1 mutant.

Elemental Affinity: Universal.

He quickly focused on the skills panel and its contents were displayed


(Passive)Heightened observation and adaptation, level 1: the user's sensory organs and cognitive skills are greatly enhanced. The user's gene will undergo micro mutations when subjected to unfavorable conditions to improve compatibility.


Unknown Skill: 78% complete.

Piercing shot (Beginner): shoots amour piercing arrows.

Consecutive shots (Beginner): shoots multiple arrows consecutively.

(Passive:mutation) Cold resistance level 1

(Passive:mutation) Minor heat resistance

(Passive:mutation) Adamantine body level 1: The user's body can resist all forms of physical damage.

Kane happily told his master all he saw in the skills panel of his neural chip. Abel was dumbfounded when he heard all that Kane told him. This was practically using cheats in real life. He had to sit down for some minutes to analyze what Kane just told him.

'If someone told me that you are an incarnation of a god, I would believe them. Your items did not disappear, they were absorbed into your body. The blood that forms your cocoon somehow dissolves everything on your body and integrates them with your body during your mutation.

Your unknown skill which is a skill from the dao of space jumped to 78% completion because your waist pack which was made using laws from the dao of space was broken down and integrated with your body.

Your Adamantine body was also formed because you absorbed the materials used in making your tier 9 sword, bow, and arrows. *Sigh* if I knew this would happen I would have given you a lot of good stuff." Abel said seriously. He was both happy and jealous of his student. This sort of genius has never appeared before. He was also a little fearful of Kane, he was suspecting that his student was indeed incarnate of a god so he was even more determined to treat him even better from now on. He might reap something good in the future.

"All hope is not lost though. As you progress through the tiers in the mutant realm, you will still be encased in the cocoon every single time you advance. I will stay very close to you and make sure you have enough materials for your use." said Abel as he brought out an exquisite bow. It was black and had red runes carved all over its body.

"This is called midnight. It's the bow I used when I was in the mutant realm. It's a tier 9 mutant realm weapon and it can shoot soundless arrows. This is my congratulatory gift for your advancement into the mutant realm" said Abel as he handed the bow over to Kane.

"Thank you very much, master. I will never forget your kindness.' said Kane as he hurriedly snatched the bow from his master as if worried that his master would take it back.

Abel was pleased with his student's attitude so he took out his hunters association identity card and purchased a new spatial waist pack for Kane. The waist pack was really expensive and cost 350,000 contribution points and caused Abel's heart to bleed a little when he made the payment.

Abel gave Kane the waist pack with a pained smile on his face. "This is for you. I put a storage ring in there. When you take the core solution, use the storage ring as material but keep the waist pack far away from you as it's too important for your level. Your new mission now is to collect as many cores and materials. Be it metals or poisonous herbs, collect them all and do not take any core solution unless you have gathered a substantial amount of materials.

We will extend our stay here past our prior three weeks agreement. I will reason with Abdul if he comes looking for us." said Abel. He took out two scrolls. "Here are some legacy skills. It's only meant for you so give it back to me when you are done scanning it.

Legacy skills make use of elemental energy and cannot be bought from the hunters association. These skills make use of earth elemental energy and yes, I have an affinity with the earth element." said Abel as he gave Kane the scrolls.

Kane quickly scanned the skills with his neural chip by opening the scrolls and reading the contents. When he was through, he opened up his skills panel and inspected the new entries.

Rock body(Initiated): Elemental energy is sent to a part of the user's body increasing the density of that area and improving hardness.

Lunge(Initiated): Elemental energy is sent to the user's legs to strengthen their muscles for a brief period and enable a short burst of the user's momentum in a single direction.

Kane was elated. After handing the scrolls back to Abel, he tried to use the rock body skill by channeling his elemental energy as described by the skill scroll. Unfortunately, nothing happened.

"Don't worry, your elemental energy is a blank slate. You just need a reference to simulate the corresponding element" said Abel as he stretched his hand towards Kane and formless and harmless energy landed on Kane's body.

Kane felt heavy but he didn't mind and concentrated on what he felt. After a while, Abel stopped releasing the energy. "Now emulate what you just felt and try using the skill again," said Abel.

Kane focused his attention on his hand and used the rock body skill again. He felt the movement of his elemental energy into his hand. His palm turned brown like a rock and became very hard. Although he could harden any part of his body, the area he could affect was disappointingly little.

"Thanks a lot for your gifts, master," said Kane. "You are welcome. Although the effects of these skills are minute, when fully mastered, they would become outstanding. You just need more practice. I will leave now but I am always watching" said Abel as he turned to leave.

"Master please wait, I'm really hungry…" said Kane with a face filled with embarrassment. "Very well then. Let's eat" said Abel.

After setting up the campfire, they sat down and ate lunch. Kane's appetite was really large but Abel didn't mind. He knew that Kane's body required a lot of energy for continuous adaptations.

"You can set up camp here for some time. Don't overstay since you might be hunted by the beasts" said Abel when they finished eating and he was about to leave.

"I under…" Kane did not finish speaking as he tensed up and fell on his back. Abel who wanted to rush over stopped his movements and immediately dashed backward. He was shivering because his primal fight or flight instinct had been triggered. He naturally chose flight. He already knew what was happening.

Kane who was lying unmoving on the ground was staring at a floating head that only he could see. It was muttering words that he could not understand at first but later seemed to make sense. Listening to the head speak gave him a head-splitting headache but he chose to bear it and did not distract himself with any other thoughts.

Abel stayed around the area as a lookout and after five long hours, the dao session came to an end. Abel rushed back to Kane's side and helped him into a sitting position. He noticed that Kane's life force was no longer leaking from his body. He became really happy because this meant that Kane had successfully learned the skill being taught by the dao of space and his life was no longer in danger.

"Master, I feel like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders," said Kane who was drenched in sweat and pale as a paper. "I know. Quickly, check the new skill" said Abel in anticipation.

Kane quickly opened his neural chip and went straight to his skills panel. As expected the unknown skill had been replaced by a new entry.

Plain(Level 1): The user owns a territory of 9,000,000 km² in the void. The user can transport anything (including themselves) in or out of this territory. Each use of this skill costs one point. Can be used 4/4 time(s) today.