Mutation battle

When Kane jumped into the stream, he quickly entered his Plain. He could sense that his Plain which was now a grain of sand was washed downstream into the depths of the forest but he didn't care.

He quickly took out the two vials of antidotes in his waist pack and drank them immediately. He could feel that the rate at which the person spread in his body had begun to slow down. This was the limit of the generic items sold in the hunters association marketplace. Although this would not save a normal cultivator but could only prolong their time before their ultimate death, this was most likely enough for Kane's body to develop some resistance to it.

He took out five vials of healing potion and drank it all in one go before laying down to rest while also keeping an eye on where the stream was taking him to.

One with the elements. This was a branch of mutation which was extremely rare to occur. People who had this mutation were mostly mistaken as being talentless and unlucky until they step into the mutant realm. This was because they had no other trait that distinguished them from mortals except that they could become a grunt and progress through the tiers.

When they advance into the mutant realm, they shine even brighter than most geniuses with double elemental affinities. Not only would their one with the elements mutation boost their elemental affinities to unimaginable heights, but they also gain an ability called element body.

Element body would give the user the ability to transform a part of their body or their entire body into the element they have an affinity with. This ability is powered by their elemental energy and grants them immunity to most types of physical damage like blunt force or damage from sharp weapons. They can also be immune to damage from nonphysical sources like energy-based attacks but this would consume the user's elemental energy. The user can remain in the element body state until their elemental energy runs out.

Abdul's element body was water. He could have let the blade pass through his body but he knew the sword was poisoned and it would be troublesome to deal with the poison mid-battle.

Abel let go of the sword. Before it could fall to the ground, he pointed at the hilt and the sword stopped falling and began to dangle as if it was suspended in the air by a rope. Abdul squinted and could barely see a very thin string attached to the hilt of the sword.

"Hmm, you can see the string. You are not as weak as I thought you would be. My mutation is called the bark spider beast blood. I can shoot webs from my fingertips. I attached myself to the rock, that was how I was yanked back to that spot after stretching the string taut. Get ready" said Abel as he threw his palm forward. Five strands of barely visible web strings were shot towards Abdul.

Abdul swung his water whip at the webs and there was a loud bang and sparks flew from the point of collision. He turned solemn from that first clash. The webs could match his whips which could easily cut rocks with a swing. Before he could counterattack, Abel threw out his other palm.

Four strings of web and one sword were thrown at Abdul. The sword was a lot heavier than the webs so it was slower. Abdul swung his other whip at the webs and successfully blocked them but the sword flew past the water whip and headed straight for his chest.

A hole opened up in Abdul's chest which let the sword completely pass through and stabbed into the tree behind him. When the hole closed up, Abel shot a web string at a tree in the distance beside him and quickly zipped himself towards it.

Abdul who knew that something was wrong when he closed the hole in his chest reacted. He almost forgot that the sword was attached to a string. Abel wanted to cut him into two by using the string in his chest and swinging around. He quickly turned his entire body into crystal clear water and the string easily passed through his body.

Unfortunately, as Abel retrieved the sword that was stabbed in the tree, it traveled in an arc and the blade was still able to cut deeply into Abdul's liquid body before flying back into Abel's open palm.

The poison which was green in color was floating about in Abdul's liquid body. The poison quickly dissolved before Abdul could do anything about it. He quickly used some elemental energy to get rid of the poison before reverting to his human form.

He swung his whip at Abel who was perched on a tree but he proved to be too fast for his whip and kept jumping from tree to tree and occasionally shooting webs at him.

He raised his hand and pointed at the gigantic ball of water above him. The gigantic ball of water began to fire fist-sized balls of water at incredible speeds in Abel's direction.

After about a dozen water balls were shot at Abel who kept dodging them by swinging through the trees and firing webs at those he could not dodge, Abdul raised his hand once again and the gigantic ball of water stopped firing.

In reality, fist-sized balls were still being fired at Abel who was accurately dodging or blocking them.

Abdul had used his earth dao, dao of concealment, and made everyone who was not too far from him immediately forget and proactively ignore any signs that involved the gigantic ball of water firing those little water balls.

The confusing thing was that this man kept dodging accurately as if his dao of concealment did not work on him. He could not keep up with this as his elemental energy was being depleted at an alarming rate without results. He instead decided to destroy the trees to limit Abel's movements.

He began shooting at the trees and Abel kept dodging and firing more webs at him. This kept on for a while and the shockwaves from the battle spread far into the forest. The sounds of destruction alone kept other beasts from coming close to the area.

The tree Siruzen was pinned to was accidentally destroyed and he was finally able to pull the light arrow out of his body. He fled into the forest as fast as he could in a bid to reach Sharphorn city.

After a while, Abel landed on the ground because there were no more trees for him to swing on. Abdul had also depleted his store of water. The ground was now flooded with water and pieces of shattered wood.

"This is the end" shouted Abdul as he jumped into the air and turned into a huge drop of water. When the water dropped into the flooded ground, it created massive water waves that traveled in all directions with Abdul's location as the center.

The wave smashed and destroyed everything within a radius of fifteen meters around Abdul. When everything calmed down, Abdul reverted to his human form. He was panting from exhaustion as he had little to no elemental energy left. He looked to the sky with a gloomy face.

"You can fly," said Abdul. Abel who was standing in the air smiled a little before what he was standing on became clear. It was a gigantic cobweb that used trees that were farther away as anchors.

"You could only see the webs because I passed elemental energy through them. Deceit is an underrated battle tactic. After all only the victor gets to rewrite history. Any last words?" said Abel as he looked down at Abdul in contempt.

"You are too despicable…" Abdul did not get to finish before the cobweb detached from its anchors and fell to the ground. Before Abdul could be sliced into tiny little pieces, he used his remaining elemental energy to turn into a body made of water.


The earth shook as the cobweb smashed into it. Rocks were broken into little pieces before being ground to dust. Abdul reverted to his human body as he lay on the ground in a bloodied state.

"Hahaha. When you sow the wind, you will reap the whirlwind. You might have today and tomorrow but life is always fair. That child is more than you can han…" Abdul could not continue as Abel stabbed Siruzen's sword into his head, killing him instantly.

"Now that this has been taken care of, let's see where that snake ran off to?" said Abel.

Siruzen who was slithering away as day as he could, was suddenly jerked back like a ragdoll through the routes he took and slammed right into Abel's open palm.

"Why are you running? You have not told me more about your master. But that would be left for later. Tell me what is going on in Sharphorn ruin" said Abel with a gentle smile on his face. Siruzen completely fell into despair at this point.