
"You never cease to amaze me, Kane. Your growth rate keeps surprising me. Almost everybody at your level would die to that eel. I'm pretty sure the big sects would do everything in their power to get you to join them" said Abel with a gentle smile on his face as he lifted Kane and the eel's body out of the stream and onto the ground.

"Thank, you master," said Kane. Abel nodded and took out Siruzen's sword from his storage ring to cut out the eel's core. When he saw Kane looking at the sword with a lost expression on his face, he explained "I killed that snake after you fled into the stream. Actually, a lot of things happened after you left.

This sword is actually ranked in the evolved realm. It accepts elemental energy and produces a strong poison on the blade's edge. It's a very nice weapon. I will gift it to you once we leave this place" said Abel as he cut out the beast core.

"The eel's meat is also an expensive delicacy you will also keep it and sell it once you enter the noble district of Edan city," said Abel as he made Kane store the eel's body in his waist pack. This took up almost all of the space in his waist pack and could not store any other items in it.

"Follow me. I will explain everything as we leave Sharphorn ruin" said Abel as he began to run toward to cave's exit. Kane followed his master as Abel narrated what happened along the way.

"When you escaped into the stream, I confronted the snake. Before I could get anything meaningful from it, I was ambushed by Abdul who was apparently watching you. We fought and I had no other option but to kill him.

I later caught up with the snake before it managed to escape during my battle with Abdul. I learned what the beasts were planning and why they seriously hunted you for so long.

The beasts were planning a beast tide. The beasts that took part in the beast tide that overran Sharphorn city in the past are gathering more beasts in an attempt to form an even larger beast tide to attack and ultimately overrun Edan city.

They sent scouts made up of low-level beasts at the periphery of Sharphorn forest to eliminate humans who enter to keep the news of their plans from spreading" said Abel.

Kane felt a little bit sad deep down. Although he knew that Abdul was dangerous and kept using his powers on them, he knew that Abdul meant no harm, at least not to him. He only had Kane's interest and safety in mind and Kane had begun to like him after spending some time with him.

"We have only encountered low-level beasts because they found out your strength was low and thought they could handle you. When you kept killing them, the strength of the beasts sent also kept increasing.

My battle with Abdul has certainly caused a huge disturbance. The higher-ups would undoubtedly send beasts at the warrior level to handle the matter. A knight might even come to deal with us" said Abel.

"Knight?" Kane asked in alarm. His master was only a warrior. The difference between a knight and a warrior was immense. A warrior had just begun their journey of studying the dao while a knight had already formed an absolute ability using their dao.

It would only take an instant for them to be wiped out if they encountered a beast knight. "Yes. There are two knight realm beasts in Sharphorn city. That is why we have to leave as soon as possible.

Don't worry. Even if a knight realm beast were to come after us, with your Plain and my danger premonition we would be able to hide from them if we play our cards right" said Abel.

Abel decided that they were not moving fast enough especially when there was a possibility of being attacked by a knight realm beast. He picked up Kane and placed him on his back before turning into a blur as he sped towards the cave exit.

They were finally able to leave the cave after running for about thirty-five minutes. They were already so deep into the forest that it was teeming with beasts. Kane could move past this area only because he was in his Plain which was in the stream.

In Abel's case, he chose his route carefully and was so fast that those that saw him accidentally did not know what they saw. This time around, the beasts were on high alert as it seemed that the higher-ups had been alerted to their presence.

Abel chose to run through paths that were not too clustered with beasts but it was inevitable that he would run into beasts once in a while.

With Siruzen's sword in his hand, he would slash once at those beasts to instantly kill them. He then sent the bodies into his storage ring. The cores would be extracted for Kane to make his core water solution while the carcass would be used for meat and also sold when he arrives at the noble district in Edan city.

Kane marveled at his master's strength. He needed one slash to kill the beasts no matter how powerful they seemed to be. Although the monsters being killed were in the mutant realm and below, his master had already killed not less than thirty beasts in the span of two hours since they left the cave.

Roars could be heard frequently as the beasts began to discover the abandoned posts which should have been guarded by beasts Abel had killed. This was because he quickly stored their bodies in his storage ring each time he completed a kill. Rapid movements could be heard as the beasts followed the trail of the missing guards.

They could not catch up though as Abel was too quick for them. They could only follow the trail of missing beasts. Their path was soon blocked by an evolved realm beast. It was a leopard that was white in color with black rings that dotted its body.

It could see them because its power level was high and its innate speed was also very high. It kept jumping from one tree to another as it tried to catch up with them. It finally exerted itself as it used a skill to drastically increase its speed.

It launched itself at Kane who was on Abel's back. It would have torn Kane to shreds if its body was not sliced into cubes. Kane's eyes widen as he saw the culprit. Cobwebs which were anchored between two trees behind them became visible. It had blocked the leopard's path but it charged blindly into it and diced its body into pieces.

Kane had always regarded his master as an expert marksman but the abilities he kept displaying left him in awe of his power. He was sure no one in the warrior realm would be able to defeat him. The leopard's core and a pendant that the leopard wore on its neck quickly landed on Abel's palm and were sent into his storage ring.

After one more hour of running, they finally got to the forest's entrance. A little farther away was their RV which had been coated by the desert sand after not being used in weeks.

Abel dashed to the RV. His premonition told him that he was in grave danger and that feeling kept growing by the second.

"Quick take us and the RV into your Plain" shouted Abel as he stopped beside the vehicle. Kane did not waste time talking as he figured that their situation was becoming extremely dangerous making his master want to hide in his Plain.

He quickly placed his palm on the RV and began to channel energy from his Plain to envelope themselves and the RV. After a few minutes, they vanished from sight along with the RV and a grain of sand appeared in their place. It fell on the sandy ground and was soon mixed in with the desert sand.

Inside Kane's Plain, the master and student duo appeared in a land filled with darkness. "Can we see what is happening outside?" asked Abel who was pleasantly surprised he could now hear sounds in Kane's Plain.

"Okay" replied Kane who stepped down from his master's back. Shortly after, the sky brightened up as the reflection of the outside world was seen in it. The pair kept looking at the sky which was the desert from the Plain's point of view.

After twenty minutes when it felt like nothing would happen, the ground began to shake as rapid heavy thuds were heard. The sound grew louder than the previous one

After a while, a gigantic red salamander which had a height of about thirty feet appeared in their sights. It had a long beard that looked like it was made up of fire and a ball of flame was burning on its head and the tip of its tail.

It looked around the area as if it was looking for something before looking directly at the duo who were watching it.