Noble district

Kane felt dizzy and lightheaded. This was his first time experiencing teleportation. The white light which filled his vision quickly faded and it took a while before he could reorient himself.

He quickly noticed that he was in the same office after the teleportation and thought that the entire process had somehow failed. He threw a questioning glance at Juwayn as if he was expecting some form of explanation.

"We are in the hunter association headquarters located in the noble district of Edan city," said Juwayn as he met Kane's gaze. "Which sect interests you? Storm cradle sect or the Imperial sect" he asked.

"Storm cradle, sir," said Kane without hesitation. "Okay, I will meet with Philimon, I should be able to convince him to take you in as a disciple," said Juwayn.

"Could you not do that, sir. I would prefer I fight for everything I need. My mutation allows me to grow with adversity so I would wish to exploit that" said Kane. Juwayn nodded. He almost overlooked that fact. If everything he wanted was handed over to him on a platter, his mutation would be rendered useless.

He then said "Very well, I want you to go to the storm cradle sect grounds as early as you can tomorrow. Their registration is ongoing. I am sure you will do well in the recruitment competition and earn yourself a spot in the sect".

He moved his hand a little and a card and a spatial waist pack appeared on the desk. He pushed the two items towards Kane and said "This is an access key to my room in Hyatt hotel. This is the best hotel in Edan city and the card is the key to my room. You can stay there until you become a member of the sect. The waist pack contains 100,000 medium-grade mana crystals and 50,000 low-grade mana crystals. Spend it any way you want.

Remember 100 low-grade mana crystals make 1 medium-grade mana crystal. If you have trouble with anything, you can always find me here. Now off you go".

Kane took the two items on the desk and stood up before bowing, "Thank you very much, sir. I promise I will not let you down". "You are welcome. You can go now," said Juwayn as he nodded at Kane.

Kane quickly turned around and walked toward the exit. The door slid open revealing the hallway and two guards standing by the sides of the door.

As Kane exited the office, he could swear the guards looked like the two he saw in the mortal district. He took the elevator before exiting the building.

He was stunned by what he saw. The city was bustling with activities unlike what was seen in the mortal district. The mortal district felt extremely minute when compared to the sheer size of what he could sense at the moment. He could even see silhouettes of mountains in the distance.

He became very certain that what people could see from the mortal district was influenced by some sort of technique using illusion. The people walking around the streets no longer wore business suits or casual clothing, instead, robes of different colors were very common among the people here.

There were vehicles of different designs seen on the streets and people could be seen riding majestic beasts both on land and even in the air. He could also feel that the air was even comfortable. This was a result of machines called mana veins. It is fed mana crystals before propagating the energy into the atmosphere. He had experienced it back in Brunhilde.

'Flag down a taxi and get to Hyatt hotel' Kane heard his master's chuckling voice which snapped him back to reality. He quickly left the hunter association compound and stood by the sidewalk before flagging down a taxi.

The taxi was black in color and had a very sleek design. It was a luxury car that was even stronger than the armored RV he has previously driven. It also did not have exhaust pipes as the car was powered with mana crystals.

The glass of the passenger sit wound down and the driver peered at him. "Good evening, Where to?" asked the driver. "Hyatt hotel" replied Kane.

"Get in, it would cost you 20 low-grade mana crystals. Are we good?" said the driver after imputing some values into the screen on the car's center console. Kane nodded and hopped into the car as he was not worried about the cost. He was rich.

The journey was not long and Kane got to appreciate the view. Although he was once a resident of an S-grade city back when he was in the capital city of the Brunhilde empire, he was still deemed too young to leave the palace. After a few minutes, the taxi stopped in front of a majestic building that looked like a castle.

Kane alighted from the vehicle after paying the fare. He gazed at the humongous castle in front of him and walked toward the gate. "You know, you were charged an exorbitant amount for that ride," said Abel from within his Plain. "Eh? You should have warned me" Kane almost tripped himself from shock. Others who were heading into the castle threw a casual glance at the noisy kid before getting back to what they were doing.

"Don't worry about that. It's a negligible amount, not something you should get worked up about" replied Abel. He stepped into the castle gates and was impressed with the view. The courtyard was splendid. The combination of decorative trees, flowers, and beautiful fountains were more than enough to earn the hotel the position of the best hotel in Edan city.

He walked to the entrance of the castle while ignoring the strange glares thrown at him by the supposed elites who were all over the place. The lobby was large and lavishly decorated. The many chandeliers hung on the ceiling bathed the entire room in gold.

Kane quickly approached the receptionist. "Good evening, what can I do for you," asked the receptionist. She found it increasingly hard to maintain the smile that was plastered on her face. How could a bumpkin who was in casual clothing be allowed to step into this prestigious institution in the first place? She could only maintain her smile for now as this was required of her.

"I have a room here," said Kane. The receptionist was about to make a nasty remark as Kane brought out the card he received from Juwayn. She quickly took the card and examined it. Her eyebrows creased up as she recognized the card as one belonging to a VVIP. Could this brat have stolen the card? That would most likely be impossible.

"Is there a problem?" Kane asked when he saw the look on her face. "No, none at all. You can head to the elevator over there and find the room that corresponds with what is written on your card" said the receptionist as she pointed to a corner of the lobby that had six elevators lined up in order.

She handed the card back to Kane and said "If you need anything, remember to call room service. Have a nice day". "Thank you" replied Kane as he took the card and walked to the elevators. He chose one and swiped his card at a terminal. The elevator door slid open and he stepped in.

There were no buttons inside as the destination was already set by the information from the card. The elevator arrived on the 10th floor. The number written on the card was 1. the first room on the tenth floor was his. It was not hard to find his room. It was the first room after he left the elevator.

He swiped the card in the terminal beside the door and it slid open. The lights in the room switched on automatically when he entered. The elemental energy which filled the room was astronomical when compared to outside.

This place was too big to be called a room. It had a bedroom, sitting room, bathroom, a room for cultivation, and even a hot tub room. The appliances available were also not lacking. He was impressed by what he saw and nodded in approval.

"You can easily absorb elemental energy here to cultivate but I advise you not to do that. You might break into the next realm and miss the recruitment examination" said Abel. "I understand, master. Do you want me to let you out?" asked Kane.

"No, you might be monitored. And by the way, try not to talk out loud when we are communicating. It might raise suspicions" replied Abel.

"Oh, sorry," said Kane who blushed due to embarrassment. "Order something to eat then rest afterward. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow"

"Okay. Should I get something for you?" Kane asked. "No. Remember, you might be watched" repeated Abel. Kane nodded before calling room service and placing an order big enough to be called a small feast.

After eating, he promptly went to bed in anticipation of tomorrow's events.