Kane vs Wahhab

Kane looked away from the big screen. He was not too surprised by the outcome of that battle. In the mutant realm where elemental energy cannot be projected outside the user's body, the battles between those in that realm mostly looked like brawls between highly trained fighters who have extraordinary physical strength but without abilities.

It is at this point that those who had beast blood mutations would trump those without. This was because their body would develop characteristics akin to the beast the mutation was named after. They would lose that advantage when they enter the evolved realm though.

He looked at the screen that displayed the placings. Nada's name had been stricken off and Nahla's name had been pushed forward to the front of the other names. There was a brief whirring sound coming from the teleportation platform and there was a flash of white light before Nahla appeared on it.

She calmly walked down from the platform and thought nothing of the stares she was getting from the entire room. She sat down in a lonely corner of the room before closing her eyes.

"Be careful of that one. She's strong and I think her claws can deal with your low-level adamantine body and she is three tiers ahead of you, so don't take chances with her. Use the sword immediately when you fight her. And I almost forgot. She looks like she is related to Talon. He is the leader of the group that chased us on our way to Sharphorn ruin. I Killed him so watch out" said Abel after taking a good look at the girl.

Kane was inwardly shocked. He looked at the girl and was stunned because she was staring at him. He quickly withdrew his gaze and turned away. "You should not have turned away like that. Your action would only serve to rouse her suspicions" said Abel.

Kane's line of thought was disrupted when there was an announcement for the commencement of the second match. The names of the competitors were Qusay Moghadam and Kasim Maalouf.

Qusay was a man who looked like he was in his early twenties with white-blond hair that stood on end. He was really tanned and wore black combat robes. He hung an expensive-looking broad sword on his back. Kasim was a slender handsome man that was graceful in all his actions. There was a katana strapped on his waist.

The two competitors who were in tier 4 mutant realm, walked to the teleportation platform before promptly disappearing. Kane looked up at the large screen above to watch the match.

The referee stood between the two competitors and looked at them to confirm their condition. He stepped back and waved his hand signifying the start of the match. The competitors unsheathed their weapons and took their stances.

Qusay who had a huge grin on his face was the first to make his move. His skin turned red and steam began to emerge from his body. He dashed with speed that seemed to be faster than someone at his level. He reached Kasim in an instant and swung his sword downwards.

Kasim who was startled by the burst of the sudden burst of speed was shocked once again by the force behind the sword swing. He dared not parry the attack and nimbly sidestepped. The attack missed and hit the stage instead.


Sparks flew as the sword hit the floor. Kasim did not wait for his opponent to recover and swiped his katana sideways at Qusay's neck. Qusay ducked at blinding speed, evading the Katana and swinging his sword upwards at his opponent whose defense was left open from his previous swing.

Kasim brought his katana back in front of him in one fluid motion and placed it horizontally before stepping back a little. The broad sword clashed with the katana and a huge upward force was transmitted to Kasim. He borrowed the force and jumped high into the air before performing a backflip.

Kasim landed heavily in a crouched position. He looked up and saw Qusay bounding towards him at a frighting speed before swinging down with his sword. Kasim rolled to the side barely dodging the strike before getting kicked in his midsection by Qusay who had mysteriously arrived by his side.

The kick took the wind out of his lungs and he was flung to a corner of the stage. He tried to stand but Qusay had already arrived before him. Qusay swung down with his broad sword and Kasim had no choice but to parry the attack.


The swords clashed and sparks erupted from the blades. Kasim who was kneeling felt the force transmitted from the clash in its entirety. He almost buckled from the pressure as the muscles of his body began to ache furiously. His wrists were also bent at odd angles and could not support the weight of his opponent's broadswords.

The broad sword which was stopped briefly by the Katana began moving again towards Kasim's shoulder. He would soon be cleaved into two but fortunately for him, the referee suddenly appeared beside then and stopped the sword by catching it with his hands.

The two competitors were soon separated and the referee stopped the match and announced Qusay as the winner of the second match.

Qusay's skin color returned to its normal tan color and the grin on his face grew wider. Kasim who had dislocated both wrists could only stand on his feet with a somber look on his face. The two were teleported out of the stage and only Qusay appeared on the teleportation platform in the waiting room.

Qusay stepped down from the platform and drank what looked like a healing potion before joining the group he was talking with before the match. Cheers soon broke out and the group became rowdy.

"That guy was burning his life force. The healing potion he drank confirmed my speculations. He must have a special beast blood mutation that allowed him to do that. If you guys fight, go on the defensive and try to prolong the fight as much as possible" said Abel.

The screen that displayed placings changed once again. Qusay's name moved to the same level as Nahla's and Kasim was struck off.

"All right pretty boy, it's almost time. You saw what happened to the other pretty boy's hands. I suggest you give up now as I might not be able to hold back when I start fighting" said Wahhab. Kane looked at him but did not respond. This annoyed Wahhab and he shouted, "Hey, dumb fuck, did you just hear what I just said?".

"The two winners said little to no words at all but came out on top. You on the other hand keep yapping and you are being so loud. Are you trying to get me to quit before the fight begins? I am beginning to think you are all bark and no bite" calmly replied Kane who had no expression on his face.

Wahhab's face contorted with rage. "Good, good, I will see you on the stage," he said and turned away from Kane fuming.

Kane did not mind though. Even if the guy had some kind of beast blood mutation, it would only make the fight much more interesting. After five minutes of waiting, it was finally time for the third match. The competitors were announced and were required to step on the platform.

Kane stood up and walked toward the teleportation platform alongside Wahhab. He stepped onto the platform and white light enveloped him. His senses were disrupted briefly before appeared on the stage. He looked around his new surrounding. The stage was quite huge and would take some time before he could run a lap around it. He could see the audience who were watching but the sounds they were making were cut off by what looked like a transparent barrier that covered the stage.

Wahhab was some distance away from him and the referee walked between them. After looking at the competitors to confirm their conditions, he stepped back and waved his hand to start the fight.

Kane changed his stance to a defensive one while Wahhab took out two metal batons and glared at Kane with a sinister grin on his face. He was going to enjoy fucking up the brat.

His muscles bulged and his well-built body bulged and he became extremely muscular. "Tank his hits with your body also use rock body. Try to guess where he would attack" said Abel. Wahhab dashed toward Kane and arrived before him.

He swung the baton on his left hand at full force at Kane's head. Kane, who could guess the trajectory of the attack raised his left arm and activated the rock body skill. The skill which had its proficiency level raised to beginner could now transform a good part of his forearm.


The baton hit the forearm that looked like stone and the force from the impact was transmitted into Kane's body. He felt pain but it was not unbearable. Wahhab's eyes grew wide in shock.