Brutal Muneer

Kane was teleported back to the waiting room while he was still sitting on the floor.

He slowly stood up and walked to his seat. When he sat down, he took a look around the room and saw the faces of everyone in the room.

Their eyes were filled with dread. They quickly averted their gazes when they met his eyes.

He took out his Hunter Association identity card and bought a health potion with his contribution points for his wounds.

After drinking it, he could feel his back itching as it began to heal rapidly.

"You should be proud of yourself boy. You don't know the magnitude of the advantage you have here.

I can bet that everyone here has their skills at the uninitiated proficiency level. The geniuses among them would be at the initiated level at most.

A regular person would have to be at the late tiers of the evolved realm or even in the warrior realm to be able to get to the intermediate proficiency level with an extremely low-level skill like the rock body skill after activating it countless times.

Full-powered attacks on your body by an opponent who is two tiers stronger than you caused absolutely no damage.

I was right. Your mutation is nothing short of being godly. To be able drastically shorten the time and effort it takes to master skills it's too op but it also has other functions on the same level.

You should take every opportunity to grow stronger seriously, Kane. One day you will not need to hide around like a fugitive.

Oh, here comes your BFF" said Abel who could not contain his excitement.

Kane could already hear Qusay even before he saw him. "Friend! You are even stronger than I thought" said Qusay. He took a seat and sat right next to Kane before patting Kane's shoulder.

Even though it was a friendly pat, Kane could feel a little bit of the strength in Qusay's body and it was enough to make him frown a little.

Noticing Kane's frown, he immediately stopped what he was doing and said "sorry, I forgot you were still hurting. I got to hand to you, breaking through the next proficiency level during a fight was intense.

Even the way you guys exchanged blows, in the end, was hardcore. My blood is already pumping. I can't wait till we fight We are going to be the last two standing"

"I hope so" replied Kane with an exhausted smile on his face.

It was at that moment that the announcement for the commencement of the second match.

It was between Haniya Cham and Muneer Koury.

"It's as if they want to remove the low-ranking competitors. It's a good thing you won right?" said Qusay.

Kane agreed as he watched the Haniya walking up to the teleportation platform.

Although he was cautious of the opposite gender, there was something about this one that piqued his interest. Qusay's timely whistle brought him back to earth.

The two competitors were teleported onto the stage and the referee stood between them. After checking their conditions, he stepped back and waved his hand to commence the fight.

The two competitors brought out their weapons from their waist packs. Haniya used her nunchuck while Muneer used his staff.

There was a moment of silence like the calm before the storm as the two competitors stared each other down.

Haniya was under immense psychological pressure as she looked at her opponent's smiling face. She had to be very careful as her opponent was a tier above her.

"You know, you should quit. Miracles don't always happen" said Muneer in a tone filled with mockery.

Haniya's eyes shook with rage. "You don't qualified to make me surrender without a fight," she said while trying to control the anger in her voice.

"Suit yourself. Don't blame me for not being gentle" said Muneer as he went into action.

He raised his staff high with his two hands and began to rotate it at speeds enough to make whooshing sounds in the air.

While Haniya was still confused by what he was doing, he suddenly leaped toward her at amazing speeds.

He covered almost three meters with that one leap and arrived almost immediately before his opponent and swung his staff downwards.

Haniya was shocked by her opponent's speed. He was obese but his speed was on another level. She could not effectively dodge the staff so she raised the middle part of the nunchuck which was a metal chain to block the attack.


She was horrified when the two weapons clashed. The impact was enough to almost send her nunchuck flying away from her hands and right into her forehead had she not been holding it tightly.

She buckled under the force and was about to fall to get knees when her abdomen was viciously kicked by Muneer.

Her breath was forcefully ejected from her lungs as she was sent flying. She crashed heavily to the floor and was attempting to stand on her feet when she saw her opponent bounding towards her.

She gathered her strength and attacked by sweeping the nunchuck at Muneer's feet which was promptly dodged when he leaped into the air.

Haniya followed up her attack by sweeping her weapon upwards in a rising motion. Muneer who was still airborne, grabbed the middle of his staff and spun it around in front of him, and deflected the nunchuck.

He adjusted the staff so that the tip would land on his opponent's skull when he landed.

Haniya jumped back a little, nearly avoiding the staff, and lunged in for a counterattack.


She swung her nunchuck at her opponent's temple and was delighted when the attack landed.

She saw her chance and was about to follow up with another move until she saw her opponent's face. He was smiling and his eyes were filled with mockery.

She wanted to back off but was already too late. "Arggh" there was a thud sound and she felt extreme pain in her knee. Muneer had changed his attack from a downward motion to a sweep immediately after he landed and Haniya walked right into it.

When she instinctively jumped back, she noticed to her dismay that her attack did not harm her opponent.

She landed on both feet and wobbled intensely as the pain from her injured leg destabilized her balance.

She heard the dreaded whooshing sounds again and looked up to find out that Muneer had taken to the skies once more.

He swung his staff downwards at his opponent. Haniya could not block the attack like before as she was not holding the nunchuck with both hands and was too flustered to even try.

She instinctively decided to dodge the attack by dashing to the side. Unfortunately, Muneer was simply too fast.

Even though the staff missed her skull, it crashed into her shoulder and crushed a lot of bones to pieces.

"Arrggghh" cried Haniya from the intense pain. She was now completely acting on her flight instinct. She raised her hand to seemingly protect her head.

Muneer did not waste time as he twirled his staff and launched a blow on her ribcage.

The attack landed and almost all the bones in her ribcage were shattered. Haniya spat blood from her mouth.

Muneer twirled his staff again. This time he aimed at Haniya's good knee.


There was a bone-chilling sound when the staff landed on her knee. Haniya crumpled on the floor and the fear that filled her screams was overwhelming.

Muneer twirled his staff again and prepared to launch another attack but stopped when his staff was grabbed by the referee.

He stepped away from her and the referee ended the match and declared Muneer the winner.


Back in the waiting room, Kane clutched this hand into a first throughout the match. He did not know why he was feeling angry but didn't care.

"Whew, that guy has no chills," said Qusay.

"Hmm, that guy is a little strange. His body is just one ball of contradiction. He is so fat but his speed is off the charts. His defense is also top-notch.

I also noticed that his fat does not ripple when he is moving like regular obese people. It's just as if he is just one ball of lean tough flesh.

I am guessing it has something to do with his mutation. I have never seen something like this before. You should be careful around him.

His skills are not flashy, but they are wickedly efficient. His cruelty is almost legendary" said Abel. This guy was definitely stronger than Azzah. Kane had to be careful if they are scheduled to fight later.

Muneer was soon teleported back to the waiting room. He calmly walked to his chair and sat down. He felt like someone was looking at him so he looked around.

He saw Kane who was glaring daggers at him.

He smiled at Kane and waved. This was enough to make Kane turn around and look elsewhere.