Power of a dragon

They quickly stopped their bantering when they heard the announcement.

"Guess I'm up," said Qusay while looking at Kane with a grin on his face.

"Hope you win. Good luck" said, Kane.

Qusay gave Kane a thumbs-up before getting up from his chair. He was soon joined by his opponent Ferran Azzi as they walked to the teleportation platform.

They were then teleported onto the stage where the referee was already waiting. After checking their conditions, the referee stepped back and waved his hand to start the match.

Ferran wielded his trusty war hammer and assumed a defensive stance. Kane's performance in the examination has made him question what group of people he should be wary of, the competitors at his level or those below.

The fact that this tier 4 mutant before him was also special and very talented only served to make him take this battle even more seriously.