Green snake

Kane woke up early the next morning and when he was ready, sent Yelina out of his Plain. The woman was very happy as she had made huge progress and would only need a little more time in the outside world to study the effects of other DAOs on hers for her to advance into the next tier.

The last bonfire in that location was made and breakfast was made and rations that would last for a long while were made while the fire was still burning. After the meal and having a short rest, Abel and Kane said their goodbyes before parting ways with the group. 

They left in another direction that also lead away from the Oknac town. They spent most of the day walking and killing beasts they could find. Removing their cores and storing their carcass in Abel's storage ring as items stored in them seemed to be frozen in time. They did not eat when it was launch time but kept running in their chosen direction.