Kane's Memories

The loud voice boomed in Abel's mind and it was emptied of all thought except for the irresistible urge to pledge his unwavering loyalty to the giant eye in the sky. He was about to do so when a powerful blast of green energy pushed him away from Kane's body. The string attached to the boy's abdomen snapped and the force was strong enough to knock him off the centipede's head.

He was sent flying and crashed into Xoqi. The force was still strong enough to push the giant snake more than five meters backward and Abel spat out a mouthful of blood. The feeling of surrendering everything to the giant eye was suddenly gone because the giant eye had vanished as abruptly as it had appeared. The light that dyed everything green had also vanished and everything had returned to normal. With his mind clearing up, he was able to check how much damage had been done to his body.