
"The beast knights have made their move. it is a pity we could only pinpoint the location of two out of the four" Philimon said. The two beast knights they could not identify were the ones that used an earth dome to protect the siege weapons as the ability originated from the ground under the siege weapons.

"Keep attacking the siege weapons. The Beast knights will reveal themselves eventually" Yaseen said. "Plasma bomber gunners, four of you should focus on the siege weapons while the one left should focus on the beast tide. Rapid fire pulse cannons, four of you are in charge of supporting the commanders, one cannon for each commander. Your job is to make sure the other low-level beasts do not swarm the commander. Be careful to not harm any commanders. Anyone who hits a commander will be severely punished immediately. Plasma bombers, do not fire at areas close to the commanders. Am I understood?" commanded Philimon.