Chapter 11- The restless night

She stalled on the track, staring at him.

'He is here, he is here,' her mind screamed. She was excited and nervous at the same time.


Her heart pounded in her ear. She walked over to the bed with her head bowed after a brief moment of hesitation. She lay quietly on her side, her back to him. Her back pricked as if the heat had spread from him to her. The distance between them appeared to be closing.

She clutched the pillow as if trying to keep herself in place, her toes curling up. Her heart was pounding so loudly that she was afraid he would hear it.

And those butterflies…

Her stomach somersaulted. She squeezed her eyes.

She had fallen asleep quickly in his arms the night before. But she was not sure she would be able to sleep tonight. Declan was better in his inebriated state than in his sober state.

Meanwhile, she felt a dip right behind her. She froze when she sensed him from such a close distance. The woody, patchouli aroma of his cologne hit her nostrils. It was intoxicating.

Her grip on the pillow loosened as she inhaled deeply. When she opened her eyes, she saw him looming over her. She stared at him, eyes wide. All the muscles in her body became tense. Not only did her heart rate increase, but so did her breathing.

He reached for the bedside lamp and turned it off. "I can't sleep with the lights on," he murmured hoarsely.

"Neither do I," she replied, her voice barely audible.

She almost stopped breathing when she noticed his gaze had dropped to her lips. She thought he would kiss her. That was what she had desired since last night. Her lips quivered in anticipation.

"Good night," he said before lying down and turning off the light by his side.

Yasmin gaped at his back with her mouth open. Her desire to kiss him didn't come true tonight either. Disappointment gripped her heart. At the same time, she became irritated. Her mouth twisted as she turned to the other side.

She closed her eyes, trying to sleep. But the restlessness grew with every passing second. The desire to hug him and feel the warmth intensified.

The patchouli scent of his cologne…

'Oh, it is so intoxicating.'

She hugged herself, recalling how he had held her in his arms early this afternoon. She squeezed her arms gently, a smile slipping across her face.

'Declan…' she murmured his name in her mind.

She remembered him staring at her lips. She brushed her fingers across her lips, eager to feel his lips on hers. Butterflies started flapping their wings in her stomach.

She could feel tingling all over her body. She moved her hand down to her neck, then to her breasts, imagining his hands on her body.


Yasmin shot open her eyes, her face flushed. Her entire body began to burn as if someone had set her on fire. She reached out to wipe the cold sweat away from her brow. Only then did she realize she was still putting her glasses on.

'Stupid woman.' She took off her glasses and placed them on the side table.

'Stop thinking about him,' her inner voice warned her.

She closed her eyes to get some sleep, plugging off her mind from him. She drifted into sleep after a while.

However, Declan couldn't fall asleep. He remained motionless, arms crossed across his chest, breathing heavily. As his desire grew stronger, he became increasingly restless. He closed his eyes in the hope of gradually falling asleep.

Yasmin's face crossed his mind. It reminded him of her rosy lips. Her lips appeared to be juicy.

He opened his eyes, breathing out a shaky sigh. He wished he could pull her into his embrace and taste her lips. This thought was enough to fuel his desire for double folds.

He could feel his crotch tightening. 'Oh, man…' he murmured in his mind, wiping his face.

He felt as if his body had stiffened from lying in the same position for such a long time. Besides, he was eager to turn and see her. He eventually shifted his weight to the other side and saw her sleeping with her face to him.

Yasmin was adorable in her sleep. Her skin glowed golden under the dim yellow light from the ceiling.

His lips quirked into a smile. He couldn't stop himself from stroking her cheek with his knuckles. His fingers halted just at the corner of her mouth.

"Mm…" She groaned and moved in closer, wrapping her arm around him.

Declan froze, his eyes wide. His cock twisted when she snuggled into his chest.

'Don't move, silly woman.'

He sighed in secret, pressing his hand to his brow. Heat began to accumulate in his stomach and spread throughout his body. Sweat covered his body in a matter of minutes.

'Shit…' he cursed, his erection hurting. He felt the need to have a cold shower.

He tried to move away a bit, but she clung to him. In the end, he stopped moving and let her hug him. As he observed her sleeping soundly, his restlessness began to dissipate. Her long, steady breathing had a soothing effect on him. As his eyes closed, he wrapped his arm around her subconsciously.

The next morning…

Yasmin groggily opened her eyes and found herself in his arms. She felt a jolt in her nerves as if electricity had passed through her brain. Her muscles went stiff in an instant. The sleepiness vanished right away.

She twisted her body to break free from his arms but froze when she noticed him opening his eyes and looking at her.

Both kept staring at each other without batting their eyes. They didn't even move a muscle.

As they continued to stare at each other, their breathing became heavier, and their heart rates increased. All they wanted to do was kiss one another senseless.

Declan swallowed the lump in his throat and bowed his head gradually, his gaze fixated on her lips.

Yasmin squeezed his arm, her eyes shut. She grew excited, anticipating his lips on hers. Finally, he would kiss her.

'Kiss me, kiss me,' her mind screamed.

Her skin tingled as his warm breathing fanned her face. Goosebumps covered her body.

'Oh, gosh.'

She was about to faint. This tantalizing feeling was too much for her to handle. The surge of hormones in her veins was ready to blow her up.

She could feel the blood rush to her lips as she waited for his kiss. She imagined herself in his arms, standing in a garden full of colorful flowers and butterflies.


'What is that sound?'

She didn't feel his warm breath on her face anymore. His arm around her also slipped away. The flowers and the butterflies also disappeared all at once. When she opened her eyes, she found him scowling at the phone.

He rolled out of bed and went out the door with the phone pressed to his ear.

Yasmin sat up, her mouth agape, staring at the wide-open door. She was this close to kissing him, but a phone call ruined their intimacy. All the good moods she built up just now evaporated in a blink. It was as though someone splashed a bucket full of cold water on her, extinguishing the burning desire.

She became irritated. She got out of bed and hurried into the bathroom, stomping her feet.

"Are you sure?" Declan asked as he entered the study. His solemn look indicated that something was bothering him.

"I just received the information," Francis' voice came out of the phone. "Let me look into it first."

"Change my number as soon as possible," Declan growled.

"Do you think changing the phone number is a solution? Why don't you go and see her?"

"I don't want to see her face," he yelled, his eyes bloodshot. A vein on his forehead was throbbing as rage mounted within him.

Francis sighed. "Alright. You will get the new number when you come to the office. But I still suggest you talk to her."

"I am hanging up now." Declan ended the call and sagged on the sofa. He threw the phone aside and pressed his head, his elbows on his thighs.